LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for June 28, 2017

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Corey, Sarah. “All Bi Myself: Analyzing Television’s Presentation of Female Bisexuality.” Journal of Bisexuality, vol. 17, no. 2, 2017, pp. 190-205. URL: How do mainstream TV shows like Grey’s Anatomy portray bisexual […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for May 31, 2017

stack of papers tinted red

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Lodge, Reid. “Trans Sites of Self-Exploration: From Print Autobiographies to Blogs.” Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture, vol. 2, no. 1, 2017, pp. 49–71. URL: An examination of gender as expressed […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for May 17, 2017

three old volumes of the law reference book "american record" tinted purple

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications de Szegheo Lang, Tamara. “Democratizing LGBTQ History Online: Digitizing Public History in ‘U.S. Homophile Internationalism’.” Journal of Homosexuality, vol. 64, no. 7, 2017, pp. 850-869. URL: This article is part of a […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for April 26, 2017

stack of natural fiber pages tinted blue

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Bartholomaeus, Clare, et al. “The Capacity of South Australian Primary School Teachers and Pre-Service Teachers to Work with Trans and Gender Diverse Students.” Teaching & Teacher Education, vol. 65, July 2017, pp. 127-135.  […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for April 12, 2017

green toned stack of magazines

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Byron, Reginald A., et al. “Performativity Double Standards and the Sexual Orientation Climate at a Southern Liberal Arts University.” Journal of Homosexuality, vol. 64, iss. 5, 2017, pp. 671-96. URL: Examining the […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for March 22nd, 2017

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Adler, Melissa. Cruising the Library: Perversities in the Organization of Knowledge. Oxford University Press, 2017. URL: An analysis of the history of sexuality seen through the lens of the Library of Congress subjects […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for March 8th, 2017

shelves of academic journals tinted orage

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Bingham, Natasha. “‘Telling Our Stories’: Print Media Interpretations of Moscow Lesbians’ Life Stories in 2004 and 2005.” Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 21, iss. 1, 2017, pp. 120-31. URL: This article analyzes […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for February 22nd, 2017

stack of papers tinted red

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Alessi, Edward J., et al. “The First-Year University Experience for Sexual Minority Students: A Grounded Theory Exploration.” Journal of LGBT Youth, vol 14, iss. 1, 2017, pp. 71-92. URL: The authors conducted […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for February 8th, 2017

green toned stack of magazines

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Boone, J. A. “Creating a Queer Archive in the Public Eye: The Case of Re?ad Ekrem Koçu.” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 23.1 (2017): Boone’s article examines the ?stanbul […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for January 25, 2017

stack of natural fiber pages tinted blue

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQ identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Abate, Michelle Ann. “‘The Capitol Accent Is So Affected Almost Anything Sounds Funny in It’: The Hunger Games Trilogy, Queerness, and Paranoid Reading.” Journal of LGBT Youth 12.4 (2015): 397-418. URL: In […]