Italian Senate approves civil unions

By John Mack Freeman The Italian Senate voted this week to approve civil unions in that country. However, the victory is not without its drawbacks. The bill does not allow for join adoption of children that are biologically related to one of the parents. This provision was removed from the bill because it proved to […]

Portugal overturns presidential veto of same-sex adoptions

By John Mack Freeman Two weeks ago, we reported that the president of Portugal had vetoed a bill in that country that would have allowed same-sex couples to adopt children. We are happy to report that the legislature has overruled that veto by a vote of 137 of 230 seats. The overturn was supported by the […]

Portuguese President vetoes same-sex adoption rights

By John Mack Freeman Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva vetoed adoption rights for same-sex couples this week. Although same-sex marriage is legal in the European country, the law allowing the unions specifically prohibits adoption. Supporters are seeking to overturn his veto with a 2/3 vote of the Parliament, but it is unclear whether or not […]

Mexican Supreme Court rules ban on same-sex adoption unconstitutional

By John Mack Freeman In another advance for same-sex rights in Mexico, the country’s Supreme Court has ruled that a ban on adoption by same-sex couples is unconstitutional. Via The Washington Blade: The Mexican Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled a law in the state of Campeche that bans same-sex couples from adopting children is unconstitutional. […]