New resource available: LGBTQI Health Resource Guide

By Charlie McNabb Medicine has historically been a field that defines and pathologizes LGBTQ and intersex people. From DSM codes labeling trans identities “disorders” to surgeons routinely reconstructing the genitals of intersex babies, those outside the medical establishment’s norm (cisgender, heterosexual, and unambiguously male or female) have been variously victimized, underserved, and stereotyped. Fortunately, many […]

New LGBTQ Legal Resource Guide available on Professional Tools page

By Charlie McNabb The Professional Tools page has a new resource available: an LGBTQ Legal Resource Guide. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people navigate a complicated and quickly-changing legal milieu. Legal rights and laws vary by geographic location, and certain legal procedures are unique to this population. This guide provides resources for LGBTQ […]

New Resource Available: Religion and Spirituality Bibliographies

By Carlos Fernandez According to the Oxford Concise Dictionary of World Religions, “religion binds people together in common practices and beliefs: it draws them together in a common enterprise of life” (Bowker, The concise Oxford dictionary of world religions, 2000, p. xix). Unfortunately, for many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) people, religion has […]

New Resource Focusing on Queers with Disabilities

By Charlie McNabb A new resource focusing on queers with disabilities is now available in the Professional Tools section of the GLBTRT website. Both queer people and people with disabilities are minorities in society. To be queer and disabled, then, is a double marginalization. In addition, people with disabilities tend to be perceived either as […]