Queer Teen Drop-in

The following is an interview with KATHRYN KANIA, Head of Teen Services at Robbins Library in Arlington, MA. What is the title of your program? Queer Teen Drop-in Program or outreach description: Providing a monthly casual hang out with snacks, books, and a small craft for LGBTQIA teens and allies. Describe the planning and promotion […]

Gender, Sexuality, and the APA 7th Edition

In a post from the APA 6th Edition blog from November 16, 2015, Chelsea Lee responds to a query about the singular they: “It’s possible that APA might directly endorse the singular they in the future, but that decision lies in the hands of the task forces and committees that craft and approve the Publication […]

Intersex Awareness Day, October 26, 2019

In 1996 a group of people rallied to demonstrate outside of the American Academy of Pediatrics conference in Boston, Massachusetts. It had become too much to have doctors approving non-consensual surgeries on children and discrediting the realities and feelings of those born with intersex traits. The road has been long and rocky for this community, […]