North Carolina Attorney General refuses to defend religious freedom law

By John Mack Freeman North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper (D) has refused this week to defend the state’s new religious freedom law in court because he opposes the law and wishes to see it repealed. Although Cooper will not be defending the law, he is still named as a defendant in current and future […]

Watch: Seth Meyers Takes Aim at Discriminatory “Religious Freedom” Laws

By Ashley R. Lierman Recently on Late Night with Seth Meyers, the eponymous host took “A Closer Look” at recent anti-LGBTQ “religious freedom” bills in North Carolina and Georgia. In the clip, Meyers blasts the ridiculous anti-trans “bathroom bills” proposed in multiple states, and especially the recent House Bill 2 in North Carolina. Watch the […]

North Carolina bans cities and counties from passing anti-discrimination laws

By John Mack Freeman The North Carolina legislature passed a law in a special session this week that bars cities and counties from enacting their own anti-discrimination laws. Governor Pat McCrory signed the law the same day. Via Associated Press: The Republican-controlled General Assembly took action after Charlotte leaders last month approved a broad anti-discrimination measure. […]

Charlotte City Council approves LGBT protections

By John Mack Freeman Charlotte, North Carolina became one of the newest cities to have LGBT protections. Voting 7-4, the measure passed after multiple hours of debate with 140 people speaking both in favor and against the measure. Via The Charlotte Observer: The changes mean businesses in Charlotte can’t discriminate against gay, lesbian or transgender customers, […]

Lawsuit challenges “opt-out” marriage law in North Carolina

By John Mack Freeman A lawsuit has been filed in federal court challenging North Carolina’s law that allows for magistrates to recuse themselves from performing marriages based on their religious beliefs. The law was passed earlier this year by the Republican-controlled legislature over the veto of Governor Pat McCrory (R). Via LGBTQ Nation: The lawsuit, […]

This week in marriage: Alabama, North Carolina, Kentucky

By John Mack Freeman In Alabama, legislators are once again considering getting the government out of the marriage business. The Alabama State Senate approved a bill that would get rid of state-issued marriage licenses and instead have couples register their union with the state for benefits purposes. This is to avoid judges having to sign marriage licenses […]

County clerks make the news as they refuse same-sex wedding licenses

By John Mack Freeman After the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision made same-sex marriage the law of the land, county clerks in several conservative districts have refused to acknowledge the right of same-sex couples to get married. Leaning on arguments that their religious freedom is being violated by having to serve same-sex couples equally, clerks in Texas, Kentucky, […]

North Carolina, Michigan pass anti-LGBT legislation into law

By John Mack Freeman This week, two states passed legislation opposed to LGBT rights in the United States. In North Carolina, the legislature overcame a gubernatorial veto to pass a law that would allow registers of deeds and magistrates to decline to perform any weddings on religious grounds. Although broadly written, the measure is obviously […]

North Carolina Governor says he will veto “religious freedom” law

By John Mack Freeman After passing both houses of the North Carolina legislature this week, an Indiana-style religious freedom law made its way to the governor’s desk. However, Governor Pat McCrory (R) has spoken out against the bill and has signaled that hill veto the bill to prevent it from becoming law. Via PinkNews: He […]