Nominations open for Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced with Adversity

Via press release Librarians face adversity every day, whether they are defending a book that has been challenged or fighting to provide services on a limited budget. If you know a beleaguered librarian, now is your chance to give that person some much needed recognition by nominating them for the Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble […]

Apply now for the Pat Carterette Professional Development Grant

Via press release There is nothing like attending a library conference or workshop to spark new interest, excitement and motivation in a library employee. That’s why Pat Carterette, a former staff development specialist, was always in the forefront of encouraging people to sign up, go…learn something new! In her memory and to help further that […]

Travel grant available from Litwin Books

By John Mack Freeman A travel grant for any LIS-related conference is available from Litwin Books. From their website: Litwin Books provides financial support to scholars in LIS and related fields for travel to conferences they attend, domestically or internationally. Travel grants are limited to $500 for domestic conferences and $1000 for travel to a […]