House approves bill allowing discrimination against GLBT contractors

By John Mack Freeman This week, the House of Representatives voted 277 to 147 (mostly along party lines) to approve the 2017 defense authorization bill. Included in that bill is a measure that would allow religiously-affiliated contractors to discriminate against GLBT people. This measure was put forward by Steve Russell and is targeted at undermining […]

Montana Governor bans GLBT discrimination by executive order

By John Mack Freeman On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day earlier this week, Montana Governor Steve Bullock issued an executive order banning discrimination against GLBT people by the state government. He further encouraged private businesses in the state to follow his lead. For more on this story, read the full story on Joe My God.

Puerto Rico bans anti-trans discrimination

By John Mack Freeman Governor Alejandro García Padilla of Puerto Rico issued two executive orders this week that extend protections to trans people in the US commonwealth. One order allows for Puerto Ricans to change the gender on their driver’s license to match that of their gender identity. The second bans hospitals from discriminating against patients in […]