Stonewall historian and longtime LGBTQ rights activist David Carter has died

Carter’s influential 2004 book, Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution, was also the basis for the acclaimed PBS documentary “Stonewall Uprising” and he was key in helping the Stonewall Inn receive National Monument status.

Dr. Richard Friedman, author of the book Male Homosexuality: A Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspective

Dr. Richard Friedman, the author of the groundbreaking 1988 book Male Homosexuality: A Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspective, has died at the age of 79. The book made the case that sexual orientation is largely biologically determined and debunked the Freudian thought, still prevalent at the time, that homosexuality could be “cured”.

Pride Events in 2020

With most in person Pride events this year being cancelled or postponed throughout the world, there are virtual events being planned, such as Global Pride on June 27, and organizers of this and other events both large and small face this reality with challenges and efforts to continue community building, awareness and support, which is […]

A trans influencer is outing gay men in Morocco & the horrific fallout has been swift

In an Instagram Live video several weeks ago, Talouni taught her followers how to download apps like Planet Romeo, Hornet, and Grindr to find gay men who live in their area. She showed people how to search for the apps online, install them, and create fake profiles to out gay and bi men.

ONE Archives Collection at the USC Libraries

The ONE Archives Collection at the USC Libraries has launched a new online exhibit entitled Safer at Home, in which objects from the past will hopefully “mirror” our present times. A new archival piece will be added each week with comment and contextualization, effectively creating and developing an exhibition in real time.“Visual culture acts as a […]

Bedazzlers: The Cockettes in Print: Acid Drag & Sexual Anarchy 1969-1972

With genderfuck high drag spontaneity and an abundance of glitter as their bottom line, the members of this ever-expanding assemblage of lavender post-hippiedom somehow managed to find each other in the Haight.

LGBTQ+ Bookstores Deliver Literature, Charity, and Joy Amidst Crisis

LGBTQ bookstores have traditionally been pillars of community building and during this current time they are bringing virtual events, activities and gathering points to the LGBTQ community offering both service and support.