Join Drag Queen Story Hour on Facebook!

The GLBTRT encourages all members to like support the new Facebook group for the increasingly popular Drag Queen Story Hour. According to a recent report from Spotlight News, more than 200 people recently attended an event at Albany Public Library in New York, where a drag queen read stories and sang songs and even held […]

New ProQuest Resource – LGBT Magazine Archive

By J. Shoemaker Recently, I noticed a new resource coming from ProQuest in September. I thought it would be worthwhile to mention here, so I reached out to our ProQuest representative for some information. Bill Brauer is an account manager for public libraries with ProQuest. Below is what he sent about LGBT Magazine Archive. “The backfiles […]

LGBT Life from EBSCO

Click here to explore LGBT Life from EBSCO! One of the leading providers of research databases, EBSCO provides a comprehensive database of more than 260 abstracted and indexed journals and more than 350 abstracted and indexed books and other reference works for LGBT studies. A complete title list is available here. LGBT Life with Full Text includes 140+ […]

Do you have materials related to the history of GLBTRT?

By Thomas Maxheimer Do you have materials related to the history of GLBTRT?  Would you be interested in adding them to the digital archive?  Not only are these materials important to understanding the history of the GLBTRT, they will help in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the GLBTRT in 2020.  To get started see […]

New Nonbinary Bibliography Posted in Resources Section

By Charlie McNabb Nonbinary Gender Identities in Media: An Annotated Bibliography is intended for nonbinary people and their allies as well as libraries wishing to expand transgender collections. Nonbinary gender identities are gaining visibility in popular culture and the news, and the community is growing rapidly. It is vital for marginalized communities to see positive […]

GLBTRT Resources Committee publishes two new resources

By John Mack Freeman Two new pamphlets are available from the GLBTRT Resources Committee. Here are two blurbs from the pamphlets by Jane Sandberg: Some library practices result in the exclusion of transgender patrons. However, librarians often a lack of literature and guidance in implementing more inclusive practices.  The GLBT Round Table’s Resource Committee recently […]

New Latino/a bibliography posted in resources section

By Cat Walker The newest resource added to the GLBTRT Professional Tools page is a guide to resources in print and online about Latinos and Latinas that are also gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.  The size of the American population with Latin American heritage has grown, and recently the visibility of Latino/as in American culture […]

GLBTRT Toolkit Development List With the recent prominence of GLBT issues in the press the need for toolkit development to serve the Round Table’s constituents has great importance. Rather than trying to have a committee produce large documents, we hope to have small groups of 2-3 people to work on smaller documents, with the aim of compiling a […]

Toolkit to help with challenges to GLBT materials “Out in the Library: Materials, Displays and Services for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Community,” which provides resources to help explain the importance of having inclusive collections and programs, and provides assistance if complaints arise, is now available: – Martin Garnar