Impact of COVID on the LGBTQ+ community

The University of Arizona Health Science Center’s Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion has issued an update about the impact of COVID on the LGBTQ+ community. The update includes tips, precautions and resources to help us continue to weather this pandemic. Read the full resource here:

RRT News and Reviews committee member Miranda Dube discusses how she founded Librarians for Survivors

As part of a graduate school assignment, Miranda researched what resources were available in the library for patrons who experienced domestic and/or sexual violence. Her conclusion as to, “how libraries in my state were providing services for survivors- and the answer really boils down to this- they weren’t.” Read this interview with Miranda to hear […]

ONE Archives Collection at the USC Libraries

The ONE Archives Collection at the USC Libraries has launched a new online exhibit entitled Safer at Home, in which objects from the past will hopefully “mirror” our present times. A new archival piece will be added each week with comment and contextualization, effectively creating and developing an exhibition in real time.“Visual culture acts as a […]

LGBTQ+ Bookstores Deliver Literature, Charity, and Joy Amidst Crisis

LGBTQ bookstores have traditionally been pillars of community building and during this current time they are bringing virtual events, activities and gathering points to the LGBTQ community offering both service and support.

Celebrate the launch of the first ever LGBTQ+ Digital Collections at the Library of Congress!

The LGBTQ+ Studies Web Archive collects and preserves online content which documents LGBTQ+ history, scholarship, and culture in the United States and around the world. The LGBTQ+ Politics and Political Candidates Web Archive captures digital content related to LBGTQ+ political candidates and political issues and topics at various levels of government, with a focus […]

NYPL Staff Share Meaningful LGBTQIA+ Books

Yesterday (June 3, 2019), the blog from the New York Public Library shared a beautiful post highlighting eight of their staff members and books that were, “a transformative part of their LGBTQ experience.” Check out their post, in honor of pride month, at the link below!

New Resources from GLBTRT

The Resources Committee have shared some new resources on the Professional Tools page of our round table site on – check out the entire page in addition to recent additions, noted here: Transgender Individuals and Military Service bibliography, which is a response to the current military ban. Includes fiction and nonfiction titles as well […]

Read This, Save Lives

Seventeen-year old Sameer Jha may be young, but already a respected activist and author of a #1 Amazon Hot New Release, we surmise he will be the most ambitious teenager you read about today, this week, this month, even this year! With Read This, Save Lives, published earlier this month, Sameer explains how he has turned […]