Gender, Sexuality, and the APA 7th Edition

In a post from the APA 6th Edition blog from November 16, 2015, Chelsea Lee responds to a query about the singular they: “It’s possible that APA might directly endorse the singular they in the future, but that decision lies in the hands of the task forces and committees that craft and approve the Publication […]

Midwinter Meeting Report from GLBTRT Councilor

The following is a message from Peter Hepburn, the GLBTRT’s Councilor.  He is a representative of the GLBTRT on ALA Council, the governing body of ALA. Midwinter 2011 in San Diego, CA, has wrapped up, and I am most of the way home to Chicago (starting this on the plane home, finishing it in my office). […]

GLBTRT Task Force on RDA and Gender in Authority Records

The GLBTRT ad hoc task force charged to comment on RDA’s proposed coding of gender in authority records submitted a response. The text of the response is below. The members of this task force were Naomi Kietzke Young (chair), Sherman Clarke, Brian Hasenstab, Tracy Nectoux, and Adam Schiff. Congratulations to them on a job well […]