Meet Steve Stratton!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Steve has served on various GLBTRT committees, most recently the ad hoc committee on the organization of the Stonewall Book Awards committee. RT chair from 2001-2005, he said, “It was hard work and also rewarding. I learned a lot about professional organizations, collaboration, personal relationships, and building a group of volunteers into […]

Meet Rob Bittner!: An RT Member Profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Recently off a two-year term on the Stonewall Book Awards, Rob is in the process of creating a timeline for volunteering during the next year. “Sometimes it gets tricky being up in Canada and only being able to do virtual work for the majority of the year,” he wrote. Rob is a […]

Meet Holly Mercer!: An RT Member Profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser In the past, Holly has served the GLBTRT as the External Relations Committee Chair and a member of the Steering Committee. Most recently she was on the ad hoc committee that proposed changes to the Stonewall Book Awards committee. As associate dean for Scholarly Communication and Research Services at the University of […]

Meet Shawn Vaillancourt!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Involved with the GLBTRT Program Planning Committee for the past five years, Shawn is now the chair. He also served a short term as director-at-large on the board and is moving into a role on the Bylaws committee and an ad-hoc committee planning a 2015 preconference. He hopes to use different responsibilities […]

Meet Ingrid Abrams!: An RT Member Profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser  Ingrid is a GLBTRT Director-at-Large and just finished her first year on the Rainbow Project. She couldn’t be more proud of the work the committee does, saying, “The world needs more voices represented in children’s and YA lit, and we help bring those works to light.” She is a youth services librarian, […]

In Memoriam: LGBT Film Advocate Lewis Tice Dies at 44

LGBT film advocate Lewis Tice died last week on April 2nd. Via Indiewire: Tice passionately worked in various capacities within the industry throughout his career.  He launched and guided many films to success including  ‘Latter Days,’ ‘Another Gay Movie’ and ‘Mysterious Skin’ for TLA Releasing, where he worked as Vice President of North American Operations […]

Meet Joel Nichols!: An RT Member Profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Joel became a GLBTRT member in 2007 while he was still in library school. Since then, he served one year as Director-at-Large on the Executive Board and is now on the Stonewall Book Award committee. “I have always sought to increase the participation of new librarians in the RT, and the encouraging […]

Model Geena Rocero Comes Out As Transgender

During a TED talk posted last week, model Geena Rocero came out as transgender. The talk, which delves into her personal history and her evolution over time, is deeply touching and heartfelt. It can be seen below. She furthered used the opportunity to launch Gender Proud, a new campaign that seeks to increase awareness about […]

In Memoriam: Godfather of House Frankie Knuckles Dies at 59

Late Monday night, it was reported that Frankie Knuckles had passed away at the age of 59. Knuckles, known as the “Godfather of House,” was one of the primary popularizers of house music during his time as a young DJ in Chicago. The style has since exploded onto dance floors and radio waves around the […]