Funding Opportunity: The Innovative Library Classroom

paper application for a scholarship lying on a table, with a pen on top

The Innovative Library Classroom, a teaching and learning conference hosted by Radford University (Radford, VA), is looking for applicants for travel grant for underrepresented and/or marginalized groups. Per the conference organizers, applicants must: Be working in librarianship (professional or paraprofessional), pursing a job in librarianship, or enrolled in an ALA accredited post-graduate program. ?Identify as […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for February 22nd, 2017

stack of papers tinted red

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Alessi, Edward J., et al. “The First-Year University Experience for Sexual Minority Students: A Grounded Theory Exploration.” Journal of LGBT Youth, vol 14, iss. 1, 2017, pp. 71-92. URL: The authors conducted […]

Call for Participation: Radical Libraries, Archives, and Museums

woodcut of books framed by raised fist book ends. Rainbow background. Book spines say radical, libraries, archives, & museums

The 19th annual Allied Media Conference will host a “Radical Libraries, Archives, and Museums Track” at its June conference, and is looking for session submissions. From the conference website: We are especially interested in sessions that: Challenge traditional gallery, library, archive, and museum structures, institutions, and organizations Discuss best practices for community-based organizations that provide […]

SUNYLA 2017 Annual Conference

multicolored hand next to the text "the global library: diversity through collections, space, and services"

The State University of New York Library Association (SUNYLA) has extended the deadline for submissions to its 2017 Annual Conference. Proposals are now due February 14, 2017 (link to the proposal submission form). This year’s SUNYLA Annual Conference will “celebrate libraries as institutions supporting inquiry and access to information while exploring opportunities for inclusivity in […]

Lambda Literary Writer’s Retreat for Emerging LGBTQ Voices

By A. Faulkner Reminder that applications for the Lambda Literary Writer’s Retreat for Emerging LGBTQ Voices are due January 30!  This is an amazing opportunity for emerging writers.  Faculty this year include: Fiction Workshop — Garth Greenwell Young Adult Fiction Workshop — Malinda Lo Nonfiction Workshop — Diana Cage Playwriting Workshop — Phillip Howze Poetry Workshop […]

Current Scholarship Roundup: Queer Geekdom, GSAs, and more

By Emilia R. Marcyk This round-up features scholarship and academic news that addresses LGBTQ identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Dadas, Caroline. “Messy Methods: Queer Methodological Approaches to Researching Social Media.” Computers & Composition 40 (2016): 60-72. URL: Using a queer methodological approach, Dadas explores the ethical quandaries […]

Current Scholarship Roundup: LGBTQ Identities Online, Archives and more

By Emilia R. Marcyk Scholarship and academic news that addresses LGBTQ identities and concerns, of interest to librarians and information professionals Publications DeNardis, Laura, and Andrea M. Hackl. “Internet Control Points as LGBT Rights Mediation.” Information, Communication & Society6 (2016): 753-770. URL:  How does the structure and governance of the internet help or hinder […]

Current Scholarship Roundup: LGBTQ+ Conference in London and more

By Emilia R. Marcyk Scholarship and academic news that addresses LGBTQ identities and concerns, of interest to librarians and information professionals Publications Linley, Jodi L., et al. “Faculty as Sources of Support for LGBTQ College Students.” College Teaching 64.2 (2016): 55-63. URL: from a national survey of LGBTQ college students, Linley et al identified […]

2016 Banned Books Week grants offered through Freedom to Read Foundation’s Krug Fund

Via press release For the seventh year, the Freedom to Read Foundation is offering grants to support a wide variety of engaging, provocative and fun events commemorating Banned Books Week. Applications are open for the 2016 Judith F. Krug Memorial Fund Banned Books Week event grants, sponsored by the Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF). Organizations are […]

Current Scholarship Roundup: Reading, Bookstores, Herstory and more

By Emilia R. Marcyk Scholarship and academic news that addresses LGBTQ identities and concerns, of interest to librarians and information professionals Publications Brandão, Ana Maria, and Tânia Cristina Machado. “Organa: The First Portuguese Lesbian Magazine.” Journal of Homosexuality4 (2016): 575-599. URL:  The authors chronical the history of Organa, the first known Lesbian magazine published […]