Volunteers needed!

The Rainbow Round Table is now taking applications for the Rainbow Book List Committee, Over the Rainbow Book List Committee, Stonewall Book Awards – Barbara Gittings Literature Award Committee, Stonewall Book Awards – Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award Committee, and the Stonewall Book Awards – Mike Morgan and Larry Roman Children’s and Young Adult Committee. Service begins on February 1, 2022, […]

Now Accepting Nominations

The Rainbow Roundtable is now accepting nominations for the following awards. Membership in the Rainbow Roundtable is not a requirement. Rainbow RT Award for Political Activism- This award honors librarians, library related organizations (including libraries, library staff, library boards, library friends), and other individuals or groups (public or private) that have demonstrated excellence in the […]

ALA President asks attendees to show support for LGBTQ+ Rights on Friday, June 21

“I’d like to invite attendees to wear rainbows on Friday, June 21 during the annual conference to show support for LGBTQ+ rights. There will be a limited number of rainbow pins at the registration area too. We want to commemorate historical efforts from Stonewall 50 anniversary, the Compton’s Cafeteria Riots in San Francisco and other […]

GLBTRT Social @ Queer/Bar

https://www.thequeerbar.com Join the round table tonight from 6-8 pm in Seattle for award announcements and reading lists! A great opportunity to network with members from 6-8 pm for a suggested donation of $5. Hope to see you there! https://www.eventscribe.com/2019/ALA-Midwinter/fsPopup.asp?Mode=presInfo&PresentationID=470039

Hole 19 to “pop-up” in LA

“We’ve been working on this for over 8 months now and the whole team is extremely excited to see the pop-up come to life in March. We can promise it’ll be a game changer for LA!” – Kara Godfrey, CEO and Founder. Coming from the United Kingdom, Kara Godfrey couldn’t believe the concept of adults […]

REMINDER: Run for GLBTRT Office!

ALA Presidential candidates have been announced, petitions for additional candidates have been filed. It’s time to look ahead to the 2019 ALA Elections! GLBTRT does not have a nominating committee and anyone who wants to run for office can do so by using ALA’s online election form. The ALA Elections bio-app system is now up and […]

GLBTRT in Seattle – ALA Midwinter 2019

There’s quite a bit going on in Seattle in a couple of weeks and we thought it would be good to highlight some of the GLBTRT offerings. The Executive Board meeting on Saturday, January 26 from 8:30 – 10 AM at the Washington State Convention Center in Room 203 is open to all members. An […]

Upcoming GLBTRT Elections!

Terms begin after Annual Conference 2019…. Dear Colleagues: ALA Presidential candidates have been announced, petitions for additional candidates have been filed.  It’s time to look ahead to the 2019 ALA Elections! GLBTRT does not have a nominating committee and anyone who wants to run for office can do so by using ALA’s online election form.   […]