Advocacy: Book Burning in Iowa

Orange City Public Library is not currently responding to a recent Facebook Live video in which library-owned LGBTQIA books were burned by a local “pro-life, pro-family” activist during the city’s annual “OC Pride” event. It might be kind to offer letters of support to both local librarians and LGBTQIA organizations. Please note, no one has […]

Queer Comics Database

Queer comics database is a great tool for discovering comic books and graphic novels that have LGBTQ characters. It’s a fun way to use reader’s advisory and find some hidden gems. It also contains 193 titles of comics. To quote the database, “Our mission is to facilitate access to comics that contain queer representation.” The database […]

LGBTQIA Entertainment Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer The Queen Biopic Is Finally Going To Happen, For Real This Time The film, directed by Bryan Singer of X-Men and The Usual Suspects fame, will star Mr. Robot’s Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury. Celebrities, politicians, and more respond to Trump’s transgender military ban In addition to emergency rallies attracting tens of […]

As One Free Online Viewing until 06/30

By A. Faulkner In celebration of Pride Month, AS ONE’s World Premiere video will be available to the public for viewing in its entirety.  The official description reads: “In this chamber opera for two singers and string quartet by composer Laura Kaminsky, librettist Mark Campbell and librettist/filmmaker Kimberly Reed, a mezzo-soprano and a baritone depict […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for June 28, 2017

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Corey, Sarah. “All Bi Myself: Analyzing Television’s Presentation of Female Bisexuality.” Journal of Bisexuality, vol. 17, no. 2, 2017, pp. 190-205. URL: How do mainstream TV shows like Grey’s Anatomy portray bisexual […]

New Poetry Collection from Stonewall Award Winner Judy Grahn

A new volume from acclaimed social activist and lesbian-feminist poet Judy Grahn may be of interest to some members. The book is set to be published in September by Arktoi Books, an imprint of Red Hen Press. The collection, Hanging On Our Own Bones, will contain a selection of poetry spanning 40 years, and aims […]

Focus on LGBTQ Books

For those interested in the world of LGBTQ publishing, there are several articles of interest in the May 29th issue of Publishers Weekly. In the article “Welcoming Spaces,” Alex Green discusses that role that mainstream booksellers have taken in distributing books from LGBTQ presses (p. 23-28). Though the LGBTQ publishing industry has blossomed over the […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for May 31, 2017

stack of papers tinted red

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Lodge, Reid. “Trans Sites of Self-Exploration: From Print Autobiographies to Blogs.” Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture, vol. 2, no. 1, 2017, pp. 49–71. URL: An examination of gender as expressed […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for May 17, 2017

three old volumes of the law reference book "american record" tinted purple

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications de Szegheo Lang, Tamara. “Democratizing LGBTQ History Online: Digitizing Public History in ‘U.S. Homophile Internationalism’.” Journal of Homosexuality, vol. 64, no. 7, 2017, pp. 850-869. URL: This article is part of a […]

New LGBTQ+ Graphic Novels Bibliography Available

By Eric Hanshaw There is a new resource posted on the GLBTRT Professional Tools page. It is under Bibliographies: General Reading under the title LGBTQ+ Graphic Novels. You can also view the PDF here. This bibliography was created to highlight graphic novels and comic books that either star LGBTQ+ characters, or feature them as part […]