Publishing Triangle Releases Literary Finalists

The Publishing Triangle, the association of lesbian and gay men in publishing, has announced its annual literary awards finalists. The awards ceremony will be April 24, 2014, 7:00 pm at the Auditorium of the New School (66 West 12th Street in New York City).  at 7 p.m. The free public ceremony is followed by a […]

Mack’s Take: RuPaul Throws Shade on Content Pirates

By John Mack Freeman I love RuPaul. Have for years. And because of this, I constantly await the only reality show that I watch, RuPaul’s Drag Race. The show kicked off its sixth season on February 21st. On the same day, RuPaul released her* sixth studio album Born Naked (referencing her oft-quoted line, “You’re bone […]

Earth Defense Force 2025 Censors “Gay”mers

The recently released video game Earth Defense Force 2025 has a language problem. Specifically, the game bans any username that contains the word “gay.” What makes this ironic is that the Playstation Network (through which the game enables online multiplayer access) allows for user profiles to have the word “gay” in their PSN profile name. […]

Lambda Releases Finalist Titles for 2014

For the 26th annual books awards, Lambda Literary has added another category: Graphic Novel. The Lammy finalists come from this year’s 746 submissions, up from 687 last year. Titles representing achievement in LGBT writing published in 2013 will be announced on June 2, 2014 at The Great Hall at Cooper Union (7 East 7th Street, […]

New Group Show at South Beach’s ArtCenter

Four artists from Guatemala, Mexico, and Cuba are featured in a South Florida exhibition, “In His Own Likeness,” that presents an examination of gender, power, and divinity through a variety of media. Guatemalan artist Eny Roland’s video is an homage to an Andy Warhol film from the 1960s. The exhibition at the Richard Shack Gallery, […]

Golden Crown Meets in Portland

One of the prestigious organizations for lesbian literature, the Golden Crown Literary Society (GCLS), will hold its annual conference in Portland (OR) on July 9-13, 2014 at the Red Lion Hotel on the River at Janzten Beach. Both educational and social for readers and writers, the meeting also offers aspiring authors the chance to pitch […]

Same-Sex Couples in Banana Republic Ad, Other Commercials

When apparel retailer Banana Republic decided to use model couples from real life, the company included interior designers Nate Berkus and his fiancé, Jeremiah Brent. The photos of them rolling on the grass, cuddling, and posing with other models will appear in magazines including InStyle and Rolling Stone. The ad agency said that its goal was […]