First Lesbian Kiss on South Korean Television

By Ashley R. Lierman Body: Two characters kissed on the drama “Seonam Girls High School Investigators” last week, PinkNews reports. This is thought to mark the first same-sex kiss between women on South Korean television. Even similar moments from Western television have previously been edited out before broadcast in South Korea (for example, a kiss […]

Matthew Shepard’s Father, Director Discuss New Documentary

By Ashley R. Lierman The Advocate recently interviewed Dennis Shepard, father of Matthew Shepard, and the director of a new documentary about Shepard’s life and murder. The article discusses the film, called Matt Shepard Is a Friend of Mine, and Matthew Shepard himself, as the documentary takes a particularly personal look at his life as […]

Queer Quest 8: Trans characters in speculative fiction

By Ashley R. Lierman As you might have guessed from the title, I want to talk specifically about trans representation in today’s column, and I feel like this would be a good time to provide a bit of a caveat. Which is: I’m cis, and while of course I’m invested in the just treatment of […]

Bisexual Bonanza: Catwoman and The 100

By Ashley R. Lierman It’s a good week for bisexual representation in media. A same-sex kiss on the CW’s apocalyptic drama The 100 led to confirmation by the show’s creators that its main character is, in fact, bisexual (via the Advocate): Screenwriter Jason Rothenberg graciously answered fans’ questions over Twitter, confirming the character is in […]

New emojis feature more diverse families

By John Mack Freeman Apple’s newest OS update will come packaged with hundreds more emojis for people to use to communicate. The pictures that include people will allow for a variety of skin tones, and the number of images featuring same sex families and pairings has increased dramatically. While a release date is yet unknown, […]

New Latino/a bibliography posted in resources section

By Cat Walker The newest resource added to the GLBTRT Professional Tools page is a guide to resources in print and online about Latinos and Latinas that are also gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.  The size of the American population with Latin American heritage has grown, and recently the visibility of Latino/as in American culture […]

Christian publisher cancels book once author identified as “queer”

By John Mack Freeman Brandan Robertson had signed a deal with Destiny Image last year for them to publish his book Nomad: Not-So-Religious Thoughts On Faith, Doubt, and the Journey In Between. However, last month, Robertson appeared in a Time article in which he was identified as queer. Due to this, Robertson claims he was asked to sign a […]

Watch: Straight dads with gay sons read gay-themed picture book

By John Mack Freeman In this week’s moment of heartwarming, straight fathers of gay Australian sons read the book I Think I’m a Poof by Samuel Leighton-Dore. Via Gay Star News: In the video, Leighton-Dore’s father says of his son’s coming out: ‘It was so significant for him, but what’s remarkable is how insignificant an announcement it […]

First male same-sex couple chosen for ceremonial first kiss in San Diego

By John Mack Freeman When the submarine USS San Francisco returned home to San Diego this week, it marked a first in military history. For the first time, a male same-sex couple was chosen for the ceremonial first kiss for sailors coming home. Via NBC San Diego: Thomas Sawicki and his boyfriend Shawn Brier were […]

Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown to win 2015 Lee Lynch Classic Award

Via press release Golden Crown Literary Society (GCLS) is pleased to announce thatRubyfruit Jungle by bestselling author Rita Mae Brown (Bantam Press) has been selected as the 2015 winner of the coveted Lee Lynch Classic Book Award.  The award will be presented at the Annual GCLS Literary Awards Ceremony, July 25, 2015 in New Orleans, during the […]