Homophobic “Kill the Faggots” game pulled from Steam’s Project Greenlight

By John Mack Freeman Earlier this week, a game titled “Kill the Faggots” was published on Steam’s Project Greenlight. Project Greenlight allows Steam community members to upload games of their own devising to be shared throughout the community. Featuring no editorial guidelines or staff oversight, this homophobic game reached the public, sparking an immediate outcry. […]

WNBA stars tie the knot

By John Mack Freeman WNBA’s Brittney Griner and Glory Johnson exchanged vows last Friday afternoon. Via People: “As about 75 guests looked on, the brides, both 24, were married beneath an archway at the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort. Bouquets and arrangements of white hydrangea, white and coral roses, and peach hypericum berries helped establish […]

Gay Muslim risked death to produce documentary about pilgrimage

By John Mack Freeman Out Muslim filmmaker Parvez Sharma produced a documentary about his pilgrimage to Mecca (known in Islam as a “Hajj”). Primarily filmed with cell phones and small cameras, the documentary traces the trip through an area where homosexuality is punishable by death and filming is forbidden. Via Queerty: The film was denounced […]

Limited run of magazine printed with HIV-positive blood-infused ink

By John Mack Freeman A limited 3,000 issue run of the Austrin queer men’s magazine Vangardist has been printed this month using an HIV-positive blood-infused ink. The ink is completely safe and carries zero risk of infection. The concept was created to draw attention to the fact that new HIV infections have been spiking in recent years […]

Watch: Cyndi Lauper testifies about LGBT teen homelessness to Senate subcommittee

By John Mack Freeman This week, singer Cyndi Lauper testified before a Senate Approporiations subcommittee about the importance of tackling LGBT teen homelessness. Lauper has been a longtime devotee of helping homeless youth, even revealing during her testimony that she was homeless as a teen. After testifying before Congress, she also went to the White […]

Watch: Time lapse video of the march of marriage equality

By John Mack Freeman Vox published a time lapse video of the march towards full marriage equality in the United States earlier this week. The brief two-minute video highlights the steady increase in the number of Americans living in states where same sex marriage is legal. Watch the video below:

Original X-Men member revealed as gay in new issue

By John Mack Freeman All New X-Men #40 was released this past Wednesday, and it revealed that original X-Men member Robert Drake, more commonly known as “Iceman,” is gay. Via Gay Star News: “The comic series centers around the five young original X-Men (Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman and Jean Grey) who time travel to the present […]

Two books on 2015 most challenged list there for “homosexuality”

By John Mack Freeman Despite the rapid and widespread growth of support for LGBT causes in America, two books on ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom’s most frequently challenged books list are there (at least in part) due to homosexual content. Both are books that are perennially challenged and on the list: And Tango Makes Three (#3) […]

Russian Siri refuses to answer questions about gays

By John Mack Freeman Apple’s voice recognition program Siri learned Russian as part of an expanding effort to move its products worldwide. However, a video surfaced this week of a man trying to get Siri to respond to questions about gay bars and gay marriage with the application refusing to provide information or to process […]