Watch: Colbert Takes On Campbell’s Gay Ad Backlash

By Ashley R. Lierman The recently-released Star Wars-themed Campbell’s soup ad featuring same-sex parents has provoked a backlash from fundamentalist Christian group One Million Moms. A few nights ago, Stephen Colbert responded to the group’s complaints on the Late Show – including replaying the entire ad for context. As he notes, all this free publicity […]

Queer Quest Returns in November

By Ashley R. Lierman Sorry, friends, but I’m afraid real life is piling up once again. Much as I hate to miss a chance for a Halloween theme, there will be no new Queer Quest column for October. In the meantime, enjoy all the other great content on this blog, and maybe consider funding this […]

Watch: StoryCorps releases animated story from pre-Stonewall era about coming out

By John Mack Freeman For National Coming Out Day this year, StoryCorps has released an animated version of one of their contributor’s coming out stories. Via The groundbreaking oral history project StoryCorps released the animated short “The Saint of Dry Creek” in partnership with the It Gets Better Project today as part of the OutLoud […]

Watch: New Star Wars-themed Campbell’s ad features family with same-sex parents

By John Mack Freeman A new campaign from Campbell’s featuring real families includes families with same-sex parents for the first time. Via Ad Age: “Our goal was to sort of take what Campbell’s has always been about and convey it in a fresher way,” Ms. Rani said of the 146-year old brand. “We want people […]

21 TV Shows with Queer Female Characters This Season

By Ashley R. Lierman SheWired has released a list of 21 shows on TV that will include queer female characters this fall. Results are mixed in terms of these characters’ prominence and longevity, but at least this helpful guide provides a starting point for interested viewers. The lineup includes American Horror Story: Hotel, Arrow, Faking […]

Tambor, Soloway win for acting, directing for “Transparent” at 2015 Emmy’s

By John Mack Freeman At least week’s annual Emmy ceremony, the Amazon show Transparent received 11 nomination and won 5 awards. The show, which focus on trans woman Maura Pfefferman coming out to her children late in life, has received strong critical acclaim. Among the show’s winner, Jeffrey Tambor won Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for […]

Developers announce “Assassin’s Creed” video game series to include first trans character

By John Mack Freeman The long-running video game series Assassin’s Creed will introduce its first trans character with its next installment. The character, Ned Wynert, is a trans male who is a non-playable character that will be one of several that gives quests to the main character. Via PinkNews: Developers Ubisoft have also updated Assassin’s Creed’s opening […]

Look: ‘Different Families, Same Love’ poster set to go into each Irish school

By John Mack Freeman Just in time for same sex marriages to begin in Ireland in the next two months, a new poster has been released by the government that will go into each school. Called “Different Families, Same Love” (and featured above), it shows the full diversity of families, hopefully exposing children to the […]

Watch: Clip From New Lesbian-Centric Horror Movie ‘Lyle’

By Ashley R. Lierman Appropriately enough for the approach of October, new horror film Lyle is slated for release on DVD and VOD on September 29th. The film features Gabby Hoffman (Girls, Transparent) and Ingrid Jungermann as lesbian parents who find themselves in a nightmarish situation in their strange new apartment. According to the film’s […]

Frito-Lay announces Rainbow Doritos partnership

By John Mack Freeman Snack manufacturer Frito-Lay announced that they will be partnering with the It Gets Better Project to produce a limited edition run of the Cooler Ranch flavored Doritos.  The chips come in Pride colors: green, blue, purple, red, and orange, and they are available by making a $10 donation here. However, this has […]