Marriage Equality Extends to 19 States, DC

Wisconsin’s ban on marriage equality has been declared unconstitutional just in time for 2014 Pride Month. U.S. District Barbara Crabb wrote that same-sex couples “are entitled to the same treatment as any heterosexual couple.” This is the 14th ruling against state marriage bans in the past year since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in United […]

LGBT Pride Colors the World

Rainbow colors to support LGBT youth were launched in Bangkok to commemorate the 2014 International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on May 17. During the School Rainbow project, Thai students chalked enormous rainbows in schoolyards to bring attention to the problem of bullying. Participating schools included Thammasat University, NIST International School, Mathayom Prachanivet School, and […]

Having Children Changes Gay Fathers’ Brains

Raising children changes the brains of gay men so that the new pattern has characteristics of both new mothers and new fathers. According to the new study by Ruth Feldman of Bar-Ilan University in Israel, new mothers have a hyper-reaction in the amygdala to the child’s cries and other emotional cues. Fathers involved in raising […]

Krug Awards Given for LGBT Projects

open book with rainbow pages

Congratulations to the Charleston (SC) Friends of the Library and the LGBT Center of Raleigh Library! They are two of the seven winners this year of $1,000 grants from the Freedom to Read Foundation’s Judith F. Krug Memorial Fund for events celebrating Banned Books Week this fall. Charleston will focus on the recent state legislature […]

Coldwell Banker Fires Ludwig for ‘Homosexual Impulse’ Statement

When Fox network indulges in gay bashing, it usually ignores criticism—or at the most just ridicules those who disagree with them. This was not the case after Dr. Robi Ludwig, an “expert” psychologist consultant for the network, asserted a few hours after the recent Santa Barbara massacre that the killer was motivated by “his homosexual […]

Mattachine Society of Washington Returns

Senior members of the gay community may remember the Mattachine Society of Washington, D.C. Frank Kameny and Jack Nichols founded the organization as the first gay political and advocacy group in the capital. After over a half-century, the lapsed charter has been reinstated, this time with a mission of archival research of government documents showing […]

This Week in Marriage Equality: Another Week, Another Lawsuit

And then there was one. This week, couples in both Montana and South Dakota filed lawsuits in state courts challenging those states bans on marriage equality. With these filings, North Dakota is the only state in the union with a ban on same sex marriage that has not been overturned or that is not currently being […]

Stonewall Veteran and Drag King Icon Storme DeLarverie Dies at 93

Storme DeLarverie was one of the lesbian activists who took part in the Stonewall Riots in 1969. She was 93 years old when she passed away this past week. Born in New Orleans in the 1920s, DeLarverie was a bouncer, a successful drag artist, and a longtime advocate for LGBT rights. Queerty has compiled a […]

High School Girl Develops Instant HIV Test

A 15-year-old student from Vancouver has developed an HIV test that delivers instant results. Nicole Ticea is a Grade 10 student who developed the test in conjunction with Simon Fraser University. The test involves putting a drop of blood on a testing chip and the process is only slightly more difficult than a traditional pregnancy […]