UK National Health Service accidentally released names of trans patients

By John Mack Freeman The National Health Service in Greater Glasgow and Clyde (Scotland) mistakenly released the names of 86 trans patients earlier this week. After an internal investigation, the release was attributed to human error. The error occurred when individuals receiving gender treatment received a mass e-mail in which none of the other e-mails […]

First ever trans military conference held

By John Mack Freeman The first ever international conference on trans military particiaption was held in Washington, D. C. this week. Advocates for trans military inclusion and trans military members from around the world were invited to speak. Via an ACLU press release: “The lesson from today’s conference is clear,” said Aaron Belkin, Director of […]

Idaho veteran’s widow wins right to be buried next to her

By John Mack Freeman It can be easy to forget in the excitement of the recent bevy of same sex marriage bans that have been struck down that these rulings have other effects besides making marriage immediately available. Madelynn Taylor, a 74-year old Navy veteran, finally won the right to be buried next to her […]

Trans veteran prevails over US Army

By John Mack Freeman Veteran Tamara Lusardi has prevailed in her court case against the United States Army. While posted to the Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) in Alabama, Lusardi alleged that she experienced discrimination from officers that insisted on referring to her as “sir” and “he” and refusing to allow […]

North Carolina GOP introduces bill to allow anti-LGBT religious discrimination

By John Mack Freeman North Carolina now has marriage equality, but the GOP of that state is not going quietly into that good night. Phil Berger, the North Carolina Senate President, is introducing a bill that would allow magistrates in North Carolina to refuse to marry same sex couples due to the religious objections of […]

Delhi, India schools become more trans-inclusive

By John Mack Freeman Access to school’s in Delhi, India may become easier for trans persons there. “Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung has declared the inclusion of transgender children in schools across the capital of India” according to PinkNews. This means that they will now be eligible for the 25 percent reservation for economically weaker […]

Same sex marriage: Now playing in a state near you

By John Mack Freeman If you’re someone who follows LGBT news in even the slightest way, you have probably been a little overwhelmed in the last two weeks with the developments in same sex marriage caused by the refusal of the Supreme Court to hear any case having to do with same sex marriage. This […]

Spirit Day to be celebrated on October 16

By John Mack Freeman GLAAD’s annual anti-bullying Spirit Day will be taking place this year on October 16th. LGBTQ persons and their supporters are encouraged to wear purple to promote awareness of the problems that bullying causes. Via press release: Spirit Day, which will take place on October 16, inspires millions to wear purple or […]