Holiday shopping? Don’t forget the Corporate Equality Index!

By John Mack Freeman As the holiday season swings into full gear, you may want to make sure that your purchases are coming from companies that have a record of support for their LGBT employees or the LGBT community at-large. To this end, GLBT News just wanted to remind everyone that HRC’s 2015 Corporate Equality Index is […]

This week in same sex marriage: Arkansas, Mississippi, and Finland

By John Mack Freeman Even on a holiday week, courts and governments are taking steps towards full marriage equality. In Arkansas, US District Judge Kristine Baker ruled in favor of two same sex couples who challenged a 2004 amendment to the Arkansas Constitution that outlawed same sex marriage. The State Supreme Court in Arkansas is […]

Poland bans Winnie the Pooh for “dubious sexuality”

By John Mack Freeman In this week’s edition of ridiculous reasons to censor something, the town of Tuszyn in central Poland has banned Winnie the Pooh for his non-standard sexuality. Yes, that’s right. The cartoon bear beloved by generations for his love of honey has placed a Polish town in a sexual quandary when naming […]

Ferguson Library receives outpouring of support

By John Mack Freeman There has been an enormous outpouring of support for the Ferguson Library over the last weeks and months as recent events have thrown the community into turmoil. During times when schools and other social services have been closed, this one-person library has become a community hub that continues to support the […]

Michigan tries to say 300 marriages “never existed”

By John Mack Freeman When I was growing up, there was a computer-based war game called Red Alert 2 that I really enjoyed. One of my favorite troops where the Chrono Legionnaire that could teleport anywhere on the map and instead of killing the enemy, they removed it from time entirely. Whenever you told them to attack, their […]

International Olympic Committee proposes LGB-inclusive language

By John Mack Freeman The International Olympic Committee has recommended that LGB-inclusive language that bars discrimination based on sexual orientation be added to the Sixth principle of the Olympic Charter. The move comes after international pressure was placed on the IOC from LGBT rights groups due to the 2014 Winter Olympics being held in anti-LGBT […]

Transgender Day of Remembrance observed this week

By John Mack Freeman Although we didn’t publish on Transgender Day of Remembrance, GLBT News would like to encourage everyone who is allied in the struggle for trans rights to take a moment of silence to honor those in the trans community that have faced discrimination, violence, and death over the last year. In an age […]

Same Sex Marriage: South Carolina, Kansas, and Montana

By John Mack Freeman After all the progress in same sex marriage over the summer and early fall, there hadn’t been that much new progress in recent weeks. A lot of that changed with marriage equality hitting three more states for good this week. A slow march towards full equality, but at least one that […]