GLBT rights protections fail in Arkansas, Missouri; succeed in North Dakota

By John Mack Freeman The city council of Jonesboro, Arkansas rejected a proposed ordinance that would have protected city workers from discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. In more bad news, the city of Springfield, Missouri had its LGBT rights ordinance repealed after a 51-49 vote. In more positive news, North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple issued […]

White House supports bans on “ex-gay” therapies

By John Mack Freeman In response to a petition on the We the People website, senior White House advisor Valerie Jarrett responded this week, saying in part: When assessing the validity of conversion therapy, or other practices that seek to change an individual’s gender identity or sexual orientation, it is as imperative to seek guidance […]

Nicaragua bans same sex marriage, adoption

By John Mack Freeman In one of the largest setbacks for GLBT rights in Latin America in recent months, Nicaragua has banned same sex marriages and adoption of minors by same sex couples or single gay or lesbian people. Via Gay Star News: The Family Code establishes that marriage is defined as ‘between a man […]

Kyrgyz LGBT center victim of arson attack

By John Mack Freeman The headquarters of LGBT group Labrys was attacked with explosives in Kyrgyzstan on April 10, 2015. The attack comes amid a climate that is rapidly becoming more hostile towards LGBT people. Kyrgyzstan is considering a “gay propaganda” law similar to the one on the books in Russia. The attacked organization has […]

Florida state house approves discrimination against LGBT in adoption

By John Mack Freeman The state house of Florida is of two-minds about LGBT adoption in the state. Two weeks ago, it voted to allow same sex couples the right to adopt. However, this week it voted to allow adoption agencies to discriminate against same sex couples with no repercussions based on the agencies religious […]

Vatican ‘rejects’ French diplomat over sexual orientation

By John Mack Freeman Vatican City has stalled on accepting the newest ambassador from France because he is an out gay man. Laurent Stefanini, a close advisor to French President Hollande and a chief of protocol for the French diplomatic corps, was named to the post in early January. However, Stefanini’s appointment has not been […]

June is GLBT Book Month!

Via press release CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA) has designated June 2015 as GLBT Book Month™, a nationwide celebration of the authors and writings that reflect the lives and experiences of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. GLBT Book Month™ is an initiative of the American Library Association and is coordinated through its Office for Diversity, Literacy, […]

Oklahoma university sued by Justice Department for trans discrimination

By John Mack Freeman A federal lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice this week alleges that a TA professor at Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Durant was denied promotion because she was transgender. Via LGBTQ Nation: Rachel Tudor, an assistant professor of English at the university, didn’t receive a promotion despite a recommendation from […]

South Korean educators banned from discussing GLBT issues in sex education

By John Mack Freeman A new set of sex education standards put forth by the South Korean government forbids teachers from discussing GLBT people or issues at all. It also bans several words from being used in sex education and removes all references to homosexuality or a teacher’s personal views about sexual matters. Via PinkNews: […]

Ireland legislature approves same-sex adoption

By John Mack Freeman The Seanad Eireann (Ireland’s upper legislative body) approved the Children and Family Relationship Bill this week by a margin of 20-2. The bill had been the subject of day’s of discussion and over 120 amendments. This bill allows for adoption of children by same-sex couples. Via PinkNews: The bill – which […]