UN releases report on international communities “obligations” to sexual minorities

By John Mack Freeman On May 4, the Human Rights Council of the United Nations released a report in which they detail several of the obligations that the world community faces in order to bring itself into line with international law in relationship to sexual minorities. Several of these include decriminalizing homosexuality, banning conversion therapy, […]

Indiana Governor releases Pride statement with no mention of LGBT people

By John Mack Freeman In a bizarre instance of LGBT erasure, Governor Mike Pence of Indiana released a proclamation welcoming individuals to Indianapolis’ Pride Celebration without mention LGBT people in the proclamation. The text was as follows: Greetings, On behalf of the people of Indiana, welcome to Indianapolis. I am confident that those of you […]

Alabama rejects proposal to stop issuing marriage licenses

By John Mack Freeman A panel of the Alabama House of Representatives has rejected a proposal that would have stopped the state from issuing marriage licenses. Had the process gone forward, two individuals who have entered into a marriage contract with each other that would have had to have been witnessed and then submitted to […]

North Carolina Governor says he will veto “religious freedom” law

By John Mack Freeman After passing both houses of the North Carolina legislature this week, an Indiana-style religious freedom law made its way to the governor’s desk. However, Governor Pat McCrory (R) has spoken out against the bill and has signaled that hill veto the bill to prevent it from becoming law. Via PinkNews: He […]

Gay rights pioneer Frank Kameny inducted into Department of Labor Hall of Honour

By John Mack Freeman The late gay rights activist Frank Kameny will be inducted into the Hall of Honour by the United States Department of Labor. Induction into the Hall of Honour is meant to commemorate the efforts of those who have made a positive impact on the work and lives of the American people. […]

Russian police stop unsanctioned Pride event

By John Mack Freeman A gay rights rally in central Moscow was broken up on Saturday, May 30th by the Russian police. The police detained over 20 people, including some anti-gay protesters that had attacked the gay rights rally. The rally was held after Moscow denied the group the right to hold a rally within […]

Oneida Nation legalizes same-sex marriage

By John Mack Freeman The Oneida Nation has officially legalized same-sex marriage by a unanimous vote of the Oneida Business Committee. The change will officially come into effect on June 10. All tribal documents referring to “husband and wife” will have that replaced with the term “spouses.” This decision follows after same-sex marriage became legal […]

Greenland legalizes same-sex marriage

By John Mack Freeman The legislature of the semi-autonomous state of Greenland within Denmark voted unanimously this week to extend full marriage recognition to same-sex couples. The 27-0 vote is a culmination of a campaign to bring same-sex marriage to the island nation that began in 2010. Via the Washington Blade:  “It was a massive day […]

Mozambique to officially decriminalize homosexuality on Monday

By John Mack Freeman A new penal code will take effect in Mozambique on Monday, June 1st that will no longer list homosexuality as a crime. The old penal code was originally approved in 1887 when Mozambique was still a colony of Portugal. Although homosexuality was never specifically mentioned, it was often charged as a […]

White Houses releases proclamation in recognition of June being LGBT Pride Month

By John Mack Freeman The White House released a proclamation on Friday declaring June to be a national lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Pride month. The full proclamation reads as follows: LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER PRIDE MONTH, 2015 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION From the moment our Nation first […]