Sites in Chicago, New York gain landmark status for LGBT history importance

By John Mack Freeman Two places of importance in LGBT history have received new landmark statuses in the past two weeks. The Henry Gerber House in Chicago has become a national landmark per the Department of the Interior, and the Stonewall Inn in New York City has been made a city landmark. From the Department […]

‘Cisgender’ added to the Oxford English Dictionary

Photo credit: TexasT's (via Flickr)

By John Mack Freeman The word ‘cisgender” is one of 500 new words added to the Oxford English Dictionary this year. It has been defined as ” someone whose gender identity matches the gender they were assigned at birth.” A word has to be in common use for ten years before it is included in […]

Kyrgyzstan poised to enact Russia-style anti-gay propaganda bill

By John Mack Freeman The legislature of Kyrgyzstan approved an anti-gay propaganda bill modeled off of Russia’s infamous law in a second reading of the law this week. 90 legislators voted in favor of the bill with only two opposing. The bill must be voted on at a third reading, projected for October, but it […]

New Jersey jury declares conversion therapy to be fraud

By John Mack Freeman A jury in New Jersey has found that conversion therapy is fraud. After only three hours of deliberation, the jury returned $72,400 judgment against Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing (JONAH) for deceptive marketing practices related to conversion therapy. Via The lawsuit was filed by the SPLC on behalf of […]

ALA releases press release celebrating Obergefell marriage equality decision

Via press release If you missed the press release from ALA after the same-sex marriage Supreme Court decision last week, here it is: American Library Association applauds marriage equality U.S. Supreme Court ruling For Immediate Release Fri, 06/26/2015 Contact: Macey Morales Manager, media relations Public Information Office CHICAGO – Today the U.S. Supreme Court […]

Turkish police attack Pride with rubber bullets, water cannons

By John Mack Freeman With such good news on the same-sex marriage front in the United States in the last week, it can be easy to lose sight of the struggles LGBT people are facing throughout the world. A Pride celebration in Turkey turned violent last weekend when the police attacked the celebrators with water […]

New iPhone app will enable largest LGBT health study ever

By John Mack Freeman A new app has been released by the University of California, San Francisco that will enable researchers to enroll individuals in the largest LGBT health study ever. Entitled PRIDE Study, the app is available in the app store for all Apple devices. Via This ambitious study of LGBT health will […]

Girl Scouts return $100,00 when donation was tagged as anti-trans

By John Mack Freeman The Girl Scouts of Western Washington received a $100,000 grant last week that would have enabled 500 girls to attend camp and would have greatly helped the mission of the organization. However, the donation came with stipulations: it could only be used on non-trans Girl Scouts. The Girl Scouts have accepted […]

Trio of Michigan bills introduced to make same-sex marriage more difficult

By John Mack Freeman A trio of bills have been introduced by Republicans in the Michigan House of Representatives to make it significantly more difficult for same-sex couples to become married. Via PinkNews: Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat, who sit in the Michigan House of Representatives, have filed House Bill 4732 – which would make […]

South Korea rules police can’t ban Pride

By John Mack Freeman A court in South Korea ruled this week that the police could not ban a Pride celebration by refusing to issue permits for a parade. Via Gay Star News: The court ruled this violated LGBTI activists’ right to protest. ‘Unless there is a clear risk of danger to the public, preventing […]