Transgender rights activist and blog writer Monica Roberts killed in accident

Transgender rights activist and blog writer Monica Roberts was killed in a hit and run as she took out her trash.  She lived in Houston, TX, and was known for her activism and ground-breaking blog TransGriot.  She was 58 years old. You can read the blog at this link:

Children’s book becomes symbol of the fight for LGBTQ rights in Hungary

A newly released Hungarian children’s book, A Fairy Tale for Everyone (Meseorszag mindenkie), has now also become a symbol of the fight for LGBTQ rights in the country. The book includes 17 updated fairy tales that include more diverse, inclusive and LGBTQ characters and the “aim was to make children’s literature more diverse in Hungary […]

New book explores the new “frontier” of LGBTQ rights around the world

Mark Gevisser’s new book The Pink Line: Journeys Across the World’s Queer Frontiers explores the lives of LGBTQ people in nine different countries and chronicles “a new human rights frontier that has come to define, divide and describe the world in a whole new way, a new human rights frontier that is being staked over […]

Douglas Stuart’s “Shuggie Bain” on the Booker shortlist

Douglas Stuart’s debut novel Shuggie Bain has also made the Booker Prize shortlist (and last week was named to the longlist for the National Book Award) with his coming of age tale of a young gay Glasgow boy set during the 1980’s. Stuart spoke about his book earlier this summer:

Brandon Taylor’s “Real Life” makes the Booker shortlist

Brandon Taylor’s debut novel Real Life, an LGBTQ themed novel set on a Midwestern campus, has made the shortlist for this year’s Booker Prize. Taylor gave this interview earlier this summer:

CEO’s story of coming out as transgender

This article discusses Wynne Nowland and how she came out to her employees, colleagues and clients.  Ms. Nowland is the head of Bradley & Parker, an insurance, risk management and financial services firm.

“Meals on Heels” at Oasis in San Francisco

Oasis, a club in San Francisco famous for drag performances and parodies of television shows, came up with a plan to deliver meals and a drag show during the COVID pandemic.  In addition to adding a YouTube channel and a once a week sound stage performance, D’Arcy Drollinger, the club’s owner, has added “Meals on […]

Track champion Caster Semenya loses appeal to defend her title at Olympics

South African track champion Caster Semenya lost her final appeal to defend her title at next summer’s Tokyo Olympics.  According to the New York Times, Semenya, who has elevated testosterone levels due to a rare genetic condition, will “continue to fight for the human rights of all female athletes ‘until we can all run free the […] adds LGBTQ words announced additions of many LGBTQ words and also will replace “homosexuality”, using instead “gay”, “gay man”, “gay woman” and “gay sexual orientation”. A press release from explained the updates, called their biggest ever, with changes in words relating to race, sexual orientation, climate and internet culture.