Portuguese President vetoes same-sex adoption rights

By John Mack Freeman Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva vetoed adoption rights for same-sex couples this week. Although same-sex marriage is legal in the European country, the law allowing the unions specifically prohibits adoption. Supporters are seeking to overturn his veto with a 2/3 vote of the Parliament, but it is unclear whether or not […]

International Olympics Committee opens door for more trans athlete participation

By John Mack Freeman The International Olympics Committee (IOC) announced last week that they were putting in place new guidelines for trans athletes. The new guidelines will allow athletes to compete in competitions that match their gender identity without gender confirmation surgery. Trans women will also have to prove that their testosterone levels have been […]

Same-sex marriage approved in Mexican state of Jalisco

By John Mack Freeman Via a unanimous decision of the Mexican Supreme Court, same-sex marriage was approved in the state of Jalisco. Jalisco contains Guadalajara, Mexico’s second largest city, and the city of Puerto Vallarta. Via Joe. My. God.: Same-sex marriage is legal and recognized in all of Mexico’s 31 states, but Jalisco becomes only […]

DC home of lesbian Furies Collective approved as DC historic landmark

By John Mack Freeman By a unanimous vote of the DC Historic Preservation Review Board, the building that originally housed the Furies Collective in DC has been approved to be included as a historic landmark on the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites. The row house was used in the 1970s as an early meeting ground for […]

Pakistani version of New York Times censors same-sex kiss

By John Mack Freeman The Pakistani printer of the international edition of The New York Times censored a large front-page picture from one of this week’s editions because it showed a man kissing another man on the cheek. The image and the accompanying article can be seen here. Via Washington Post: For the second time this month, Pakistan’s […]

GLBTRT selects the Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection at the University of Minnesota Libraries for the Newlen-Symons Award for Excellence

Via press release The American Library Association’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) today announced the Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies at the University of Minnesota Libraries as the inaugural recipient of the Newlen-Symons Award for Excellence in Serving the GLBT Community. The award was established to honor […]

The Little Gadfly: God, Garland and Gays

By. A. Faulkner Most of us have just recently returned from visiting with friends and family over the holiday season.  For many of us, the late December break comes with religious undertones.  At my family homestead, it’s as blatant as hand-carved nativities and reading from the Book of Luke.  Inevitably, the combination of scripture, and […]

GLAAD “Accelerating Acceptance” report shows complacency in support for GLBT issues

By John Mack Freeman GLAAD just released its 2016 “Accelerating Acceptance” report, and it shows that while progress has been made towards achieving full GLBT equality, an attitude of complacency is settling in with many GLBT supporters. From GLAAD’s Key Findings: Perhaps because marriage equality was so widely covered by the media in 2015, half […]

Russia rejects bill that would have made coming out illegal

By John Mack Freeman The Russian State Duma has rejected a bill that would have criminalized coming out by GLBT people. Via Radio Free Europe: The Russian State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State-Building has declined to endorse a controversial draft bill that would introduce fines and arrests for people who publicly express their […]

Montana Governor bans GLBT discrimination by executive order

By John Mack Freeman On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day earlier this week, Montana Governor Steve Bullock issued an executive order banning discrimination against GLBT people by the state government. He further encouraged private businesses in the state to follow his lead. For more on this story, read the full story on Joe My God.