LGBTQIA US News Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer 10M U.S. Adults Now Identify As LGBT According to Gallup, this represents a 1.75M Increase since 2012.  The change is largely attributed to out millennials.  The percentage of American adults identifying LGBT increased to 4.1% in 2016 from 3.5% in 2012.  These figures suggest an estimated 10 million adults now identify as LGBT […]

LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

  By Thomas Maxheimer Ben Carson: LGBT People Don’t Deserve “Extra Rights” “…no one gets extra rights. Extra rights means you get to redefine everything for everybody else,” claims Carson.  These are characteristic comments from Carson who has, in the past, said such things as transgender people are “abnormal” and don’t deserve “extra rights,” such as […]

Deleting all Mention of LGBT, Climate Change from

Seal of the president of the united states

By Thomas Maxheimer TechCrunch, The Washington Post, and The Advocate, among other news outlets, report that moments after being inaugurated, the LGBT, climate change, and other sections of the website disappeared.  Many felt this could be a sign of hostility toward the LGBT community, especially given the history of gay opposition of VP Mike […]

LGBTQIA Legislative News Roundup

three old volumes of the law reference book "american record" tinted purple

By Jeremy Selvidge On Friday, Donald Trump was sworn in as the forty-fifth president of the United States. As a candidate, Trump pledged to sign the “First Amendment Freedom Act,” a bill originally introduced in 2015 that would allow discrimination based on the “moral conviction that marriage is… the union of one man and one […]

Wife Of Orlando Nightclub Gunman Arrested: U.S. Attorney General

By Thomas Maxheimer U.S. authorities have arrested the wife of the gunman who killed 49 people at an Orlando gay nightclub last year, taking her into custody in connection with a massacre that intensified fears about “lone wolf” attacks against Americans, the U.S. attorney general said on Monday.  Noor Salman, 30, is being charged with obstruction […]

LGBTQIA Politics Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer Jennifer Holliday Backs Away From Performing At Trump Inauguration In an open letter, Holliday indicated that she wanted to use her voice as one of healing.  She went on to say that “I did not take into consideration that my performing for the concert would actually instead be taken as a political act […]

Russia leads effort to stop UN resolution to decriminalize homosexuality

By John Mack Freeman Russia has put its weight behind an effort to remove language from a resolution related to AIDS that would have urged countries to decriminalize homosexuality and drug use. Via Radio Free Europe: Russia was joined by Iran, Poland, and several Gulf states in blocking the decriminalization language from being included in […]

Los Angeles police apprehend man with weapons who said he planned to attack LA Pride

By John Mack Freeman Police apprehended a suspect in Los Angeles who had a car with weapons, ammunition, and explosives who said he was on his way to attack the Los Angeles Pride festivities. Via LA Times: Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks said on Twitter that the 20-year-old man told one of her officers after he was […]

At least 50 dead, 53 injured in Orlando gay club shooting

By John Mack Freeman Over 100 people are dead or injured after a shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida on June 12, 2016. This is the largest mass shooting in American history, surpassing the Virginia Tech massacre from 2007. The shooting took place at 2:02am. In a shootout with police, the suspect was […]

EU says North Carolina’s HB-2 violates UN treaty

By John Mack Freeman The European Union has issued a statement urging the state of North Carolina to reconsider the anti-GLBT law HB-2. Via The News and Observer: A statement posted on the EU website from spokeswoman Catherine Ray says the laws “discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons” and “contravene the International Covenant […]