LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer Donald Trump Will Not Repeal Obama’s LGBTI Workplace Protections, But This Does Not Make Him An Ally While Trump has said he will keep the 2014 Executive Order put in place by former President Obama to protect workers of federal contractors, this does not extinguish fears of broad ‘religious freedom’ legislation.  The […]

LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer Taiwanese Defense Ministry’s Gay-Themed TV Episode Removed From YouTube An anti-gay group got an episode of a gay-themed TV show produced by the Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense removed from YouTube.  The group ‘Alliance of Crying for Hope’ called the government ‘shameful’ and ‘needing medical attention’.  They claimed the video violated community […]

LGBT Businesses Contribute $1.7 Trillion To The U.S. Economy

        By Thomas Maxheimer There’s Green In Being Gay: LGBT Businesses Contribute $1.7 Trillion To The U.S. Economy The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), a trade group representing LGBT business owners, released a report showing that the average LGBT business has been running for 12 years and collectively these […]

LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer Trump’s Top Team And Where They Stand On LGBTI Rights Gay Star News has compiled an excellent summary of where Trump’s team stands on LGBT+ rights. Devos Rejects Anti-LGBT Views, But Bruised In Bumpy Hearing During her hearing, Betsy DeVos struggled to defend her anti-LGBT history; her family has donated more than […]

LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer New large public mural honors queer icon ‘Saint George Michael’ An Australian artist and DJ has canonized George Michael via a public mural depicting the “Patron Saint of Public Parks.”  “We wanted a tangible space and moment where our community could honour and celebrate this gayngel [gay angel] magic,” Stereogamous wrote on Instagram. […]

Chelsea Manning Will Soon Be Free

By Thomas Maxheimer After Years Of Horrible Treatment In Prison, Chelsea Manning Will Soon Be Free Manning was originally given a 35-year sentence, an unprecedentedly long one for a crime that usually receives one to three years.  The ACLU and other LGBTIQ advocacy groups cooperated on a petition which garnered more than 100,000 signatures. Manning […]

Ashley Judd Brings House Down With ‘Nasty Woman’ Poem At Women’s March On Washington

By Thomas Maxheimer Ashley Judd Brings House Down With ‘Nasty Woman’ Poem At Women’s March On Washington Watch Ashley Judd’s moving recitation of a poem by Nina Donovan called “I am a Nasty Woman”.