By Thomas Maxheimer Russia places highest age restriction to new Power Rangers movie for LGBTI character After it was reported that the new Power Rangers movie contains an LGBT+ character, Russia placed the highest age restriction possible on the film. Russia cited “propaganda” as their reasoning for the restriction. Dax Shepard says CHIPS isn’t intended […]
Category: GLBT News
LGBTQIA World News Roundup
By Thomas Maxheimer Viewers Angry After BBC Cuts LGBTI Lyrics From Born This Way Performance, Again For the second time in as many months, BBC cut LGBT+ inclusive lyrics from a Born This Way comedy performance and viewers are not happy. The removed lyrics include: “No matter gay, straight, or bi, Lesbian transgender life.” Last month, […]
LGBTQIA Politics Roundup
By Thomas Maxheimer Georgia GOP Lawmakers Add Anti-LGBT Provision to Adoption Bill in Sneak Attack Georgia GOP lawmakers made a sneak attack on LGBT+ people by adding a discriminatory provision to an adoption bill pending in the state legislature. The changes were done over the objections of the sponsor of the bill who said he […]
LGBTQIA US News Roundup
By Thomas Maxheimer Christian law firm claims gay people are building an ‘army’ to challenge Trump Liberty Counsel, the same ultra-conservative Christian law firm that provided free legal defense to Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, and fights against LGBT rights across the US, is terrified that “radical leftist” homosexuals are planning a coup against Donald Trump. […]
LGBTQIA Rights Roundup
By Thomas Maxheimer YouTube Filtering Draws Ire of Gay and Transgender Creators We’re still wondering why Google continues to block LGBT+ videos in its “family-friendly” viewing mode. While admitting there is an issue, so far, Google has not indicated what they are going to do about it. Meanwhile, LGBT+ voices continue being silenced. This comes […]
LGBTQIA Entertainment Roundup
By Thomas Maxheimer ‘Power Rangers’ makes history with first gay superhero on the big screen The Power Rangers is making history as the first big budget movie to feature a gay superhero. This comes six years after David Yost, who played the original Blue Power Ranger on the TV show, left after suffering anti-gay harassment while […]
LGBTQIA World News Roundup
By Thomas Maxheimer Tomoya Hosoda Becomes First Ever Trans Man Elected To Public Office In The World In a world first, a trans man has been elected to public office. The 25-year-old was elected as a councilor for the city of Iruma, in the central Kanto region of Japan. Disney ‘pleased’ to confirm Beauty and […]
LGBTQIA Politics Roundup
By Thomas Maxheimer Gorsuch Poses “Grave Threat” to LGBT Rights, Say Advocates Lamba Legal, along with a group of 18 other LGBT+ groups sent a letter to the chair and the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Chuck Grassley and Sen. Dianne Feinstein. The letter stated that the Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch’s […]
LGBTQIA US News Roundup
By Thomas Maxheimer U.S. Sends ‘Anti-Gay Hate’ Group to U.N., Fueling Fears Over LGBTQ Rights For the last five years, the Southern Poverty Law Center has listed the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM) as a hate group. Yet the Trump administration has chosen to send this hate group to key United Nations meetings […]
LGBTQIA Rights Roundup
By Thomas Maxheimer What’s Really Behind Anti-Trans Bathroom Bans? Matt Baume digs deeper into the Huffington Post article that explores the nation-wide push of state legislatures to pass anti-transgender “bathroom bills”. He reviews the fiasco that has been North Carolina’s HB2 and the currently unfolding Texas law that recently passed it’s first hurtle and he […]