New book “Gay Bar: Why We Went Out”

The gay bar has long been a place of solidarity but as many are closing, author Jeremy Atherton Lin wondered: What was the gay bar? And how have they shaped him? He examines this and much more in his new book, Gay Bar: Why We Went Out.

New LGBTQ library and archives in Iowa opens

The LGBTQ Iowa Archives and Library opened last month in Iowa City. University of Iowa graduate student Aiden Bettine, one of the founders, says: “There’s a deep affinity that this place is here and it’s happening and it’s prioritizing Iowa in particular …You don’t find these books all together in a room, unless you’re in […]

New debut novel “The Prophets” by Robert Jones Jr.

The debut novel The Prophets by Robert Jones Jr., a story of Black queer love between two enslaved men in 19th century Mississippi, is garnering rave reviews. Jones says that “oftentimes, from the heterosexual point of view, queerness is something traumatic that happens to you. The truth of the matter is queerness is just a […]

“It’s Not Over” exhibit from ONE Archives documents early AIDS activism

The ONE Archives Foundation is launching a new exhibit, It’s Not Over: Posters and Graphics from Early AIDS Activism, to mark World AIDS Day. The exhibit features posters, flyers and other ephemera from the 1980’s and 1990’s curated from the ONE Archives at the USC Libraries. According to Umi Hsu, a co-curator of the exhibit, […]