LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer 2016 was the deadliest year on record for the LGBTQ community National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs found a 17% increase in hate killings from the previous year. The group collected data on 1,036 incidents of hate violence 11 states. North Carolina woman admits leading 30 parishioners in beating of gay church member […]

LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer Pride in Kuala Lumpur cancelled following religious complaints Students at Taylor University, located near Kuala Lumpur, planned a three day LGBT+ celebration which they canceled, reportedly at the request of the university.  The student group went on to condemn anti-LGBT+ activity in the country saying in part: “The State has perpetrated systemic […]

LGBTQIA Politics Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer White House omits Luxembourg’s gay first gentleman from photo caption While it later corrected the problem after social media outrage, the White House initially posted a photo of the spouses of NATO leaders omitting one person from the caption: the husband of Luxembourg’s prime minister, Gauthier Destenay. Nevada passes marriage equality law […]

LGBTQIA US News Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer Apple, Facebook and Google condemn Texas transgender bill As of the time of this writing, 15 technology companies have come out to condemn “discriminatory legislation” in Texas. United flight attendant accused gay father of molesting his own son Flight attendants insist that they are under increased pressure to report on the behavior […]

LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer Racism is a big problem in the gay community, survey finds 850 black, white, Asian, South Asian, Arab, and mixed race gay men participated in a survey that found 80% of black men, 79% of Asian men, 75% of South Asian men, 64% of mixed race men, and 100% of Arab men […]

LGBTQIA Entertainment Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer This new album features LGBTI musicians from all over the world The upcoming Rainbow Riots charity album features LGBT+ musicians from all over the world including countries where homosexuality is illegal such as Jamaica, Uganda, and Malawi.  Watch the trailer here. ‘Arrival’ is a vivid and poignant animated story about a gay […]

LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer Taiwan court rules in favor of same-sex marriage, first in Asia In a first for this area of the globe, Taiwan’s constitutional court declared same-sex couples do have the right to marry legally. Russian Activists Say They’ve Been Told US Visas Are Out Of Reach For Gay Chechens While US Ambassador to […]

LGBTQIA Politics Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer What it was like to watch the fight on the Texas House floor The recent drama in the Texas state legislature, which saw senators calling Immigration and Customs Services in an attempt to get some protesters deported, veered from the bill that was at issue at the time, the “bathroom bill”.  This […]

LGBTQIA US News Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer New York Pride to be broadcast live on TV for first time In a first for New York City Pride, WABC-TV will air the event live on TV for the first time.  The June 25th event will be broadcast live to the surrounding metropolitan area, but will also be steamed via its […]

LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer Facebook makes LGBTI support available via Messenger Teaming up with The Trevor Project, Facebook will make it easier for LGBT+ teens to seek help and support.  The goal of the project is to enable access to The Trevor Project crisis counselors. Advocacy Groups File Ethics Complaint Against Kentucky Judge Refusing Adoptions to […]