Sasha Velour in a new performance from Opera Philadelphia

As a fan of all types of opera, from Francesca Caccini to Phillip Glass, I am always interested in the myriad ways composers and artists adjust the genre to fit the times. If you also love opera, or drag, or now …both!, check out the new offering from Opera Philadelphia, starring Sasha Velour. If […]

Nike ,”Satan shoes” and Lil Nas X’s new video

Hoping you could score the 666th pair of Lil Nas X satan Shoes? …nope. Nike scored “a legal win against streetwear firebrand MSCHF.”  Read more about the temporary restraining approved by the U.S. District Court in NY and find out the Trump connection here: Lil Nas X’s new video for “Montero (Call Me By Your Name)” has […]

Billy Eichner starring and co-writing new gay rom-com

For fans of “Billy on the Street”, good news!  Billy Eichner is starring  in, executive producing and co-writing a new gay rom-com titled Bros. The movie is currently set to release in August 2022.

New book about baseball player Glenn Burke

As spring training gets under way, enjoy this wonderful excerpt from Andrew Maraniss’ new book “Singled Out: The True Story of Glenn Burke.” Glenn Burke was a player with both the LA Dodgers and the Oakland Athletics from 1976 to 1979. During his time in the pros, Burke was out to teammates, and suffered from discrimination during […]