LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher Why same-sex marriage isn’t legal in Australia While the majority of Australians are in favor of legalizing marriage between persons of the same sex, it has not yet been made legal in Australia.  Here’s why. Postal survey on same-sex marriage ‘unique and offensive’, high court told Australia is still at it…since the […]

LGBTQIA Politics Roundup

By Brian Hulsey Library official removed after reported comments on homosexuality While Arthur Jaros refutes some of the claims, he believes that the children’s section of the library should be operated under a different set of principles and that “young children should not be exposed to materials that may confuse them about their sexual identity.” […]

LGBTQIA US News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher This Trans CEO Has Helped Hundreds in Her Community Find Work This video tells the story of Michaela Mendelsohn, the owner of the largest El Pollo Loco franchises, who makes a point of hiring trans employees. Lesbian Ex-Mayor Has Perfect Response To Ann Coulter’s Hurricane Nonsense Annise Parker responds to remarks by […]

LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer Transgender service members sue over Trump military ban At least two lawsuits have been filed against Mr. Trump’s mandate to ban transgender people from the U.S. military.  Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, discussing one of the lawsuits, argued that the President’s “unilateral decision” was made “without any meaningful deliberative process and […]

LGBTQIA Entertainment Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer The first preview for the TV reboot of ‘Heathers’ is here & it is killer You may remember the original 1988 dark comedy Heathers featuring Winona Ryder and Christian Slater?  The original Heathers featured three white rich girls and the remake will instead feature: “Heather McNamara (Jasmine Mathews) is a black lesbian, […]

LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher Appalling ‘Stop the F*gs’ Campaign Pops Up in Australia Ahead of Marriage Equality Vote As Australia heads towards a vote on marriage equality, a hate campaign against LGBTQ people and families has shown up as posters and in people’s mailboxes.  The Prime Minister and others are speaking out against it. ‘Essential rights’: […]

LGBTQIA US News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher This Indiana college football player stood up in front of his teammates & came out as gay Xavier Colvin, Butler University football player (and son of two-time Superbowl champion Rosevelt Colvin), came out to his teammates.  Happily, all of the responses, via text, phone and in person, were positive. Houston LGBT Center […]

LGBTQIA Politics Roundup

By Brian Hulsey Group counters Nashville Statement with pro-LGBT message, calls it The Accurate Nashville Statement “Some Nashville residents say the Nashville Statement, a controversial document on human sexuality signed by more than 150 conservative evangelical leaders, does not represent their inclusive views about LGBT people or their city. ” Board Votes To Keep LGBT […]

LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer Meet the man writing children’s books about Harvey Milk and Stonewall A native of Springfield, MO, Rob Sanders is inspired to write children’s books because he works with kids every day as a teacher.  Currently based in Florida, his next two books will be, Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the […]