LGBTQIA+ World News

The Netherlands courts decide who gets gender-neutral passports; Cuban evangelical churches unite against constitutional changes that would allow gay marriage; and Kerryn Phelps tips the balance of Australian parliament away from the Liberal (actually center-right) Party. First Dutch gender-neutral passport issued In rare campaign for Cuba, churches advocate against gay marriage Lesbian Wins Key Seat […]

Queer Comics Database

Queer comics database is a great tool for discovering comic books and graphic novels that have LGBTQ characters. It’s a fun way to use reader’s advisory and find some hidden gems. It also contains 193 titles of comics. To quote the database, “Our mission is to facilitate access to comics that contain queer representation.” The database […]


LGBTQ-positive books to be donated to Plymouth-Canton schools A local chapter of PFLAG in Michigan is doing more to encourage the acceptance of diversity among their youth by launching a program to donate LGBTQ positive books to area schools. HRC Releases 2018 Municipal Equality Index Rating Cities on LGBTQ Inclusion The Human Rights Campaign has […]

LGBTQIA+ World News

Australia’s government doesn’t want religious discrimination against LGBTI students; same-sex marriage is illegal in Poland, but same-sex couples can now register their kids; the EU stops unnecessary surgeries on intersex children. Coalition ‘united’ over laws to stop schools expelling gay students, Cormann says Gay couple can register child in conservative Poland: court Medical Experts Call […]

LGBTQIA+ World News

Not enough people showed up to vote against gay marriage in Romania, a transgender candidate is running for the conservative party in Brazil, and Israel’s Prime Minister goes back on a promise to allow male couples have children with surrogate mothers. Romania’s anti-gay marriage vote voided over low turnout ‘Why not?’: Transgender candidate busts stereotypes […]

GLBTRT 2019 President’s Program: Call for Panelists

The GLBT Round Table is looking for presenters for a panel at ALA Annual titled “Intersectionality and the Experience of LGBTQ Library Folks.” Are you part of the LGBTQIA/queer community? Do you hold multiple intersecting identities? We would love to hear from you! Please send a short statement (2 paragraphs) to Cynthia Ledbetter ( describing […]

Think About Running for a GLBTRT Office!

Terms begin after Annual Conference 2019…. *Please share this widely* Dear GLBTRT Colleagues: ALA Presidential candidates have been announced, petitions for additional candidates have been filed.  It’s time to look ahead to the 2019 ALA Elections! GLBTRT does not have a nominating committee and anyone who wants to run for office can do so by […]


Court: Fight can proceed over ‘bathroom bill’ replacement The original law from 2016, which required people to use bathrooms matching the sex identified on their birth certificates, was replaced in 2017; but it’s far from perfect. The new law prohibits the creation of new local anti-discrimination ordinances until 2020. Opponents argue this prevents LGBT people […]

LGBTQIA+ World News

The U.N. is pro-queer, hockey rivals get married, and Kenya looks at India’s ruling as it rethinks it’s laws against gay sex. U.N. Head Pledges Support for LGBTI Rights Puck’er up: U.S. women’s hockey star marries her former Canadian rival In legal battle over gay sex, Kenyan court to consider Indian ruling  

GLBTRT Seeks Nominations for Awards

Nominations are now open!  For more information about the awards and links to the nomination forms, please use the links below.  Membership in the GLBTRT is not a requirement.  Please feel free to share this widely. The deadline for the 2019 awards are Monday, December 10, 2018 at 4pm Central. GLBTRT Award for Political Activism The […]