Call for GLBTRT Buddy Program Participants & Volunteers

Dear GLBTRT Members, The Membership Promotion Committee is gearing up for ALA Midwinter in Seattle and we need your participation! The Buddy Program is back and we are looking for volunteers to serve as buddies and for current/new/prospective members who would like to be paired with a buddy. This is a great opportunity to expand […]

GLBTRT Member to be Associate State Librarian in Ohio

One of our own GLBTRT members has made it into the news this week! Evan T. Struble will become the new Associate State Librarian for Library Development for the great state of Ohio. He will be responsible for special projects, programming, developing the library and much more. Along with being part of our GLBT roundtable, […]

LGBTQIA+ World News

Homophobia in Brazil pushes people to marry; Bermuda looks to keep people from marrying; Russia’s ‘Gay Propaganda’ law stinks. Brazil: same-sex couples rush to the altar ahead of Bolsonaro inauguration Bermuda appeals to London high court to enforce gay marriage ban Russia: ‘Gay Propaganda’ Law Endangers Children

First Transgender Male Boxer Wins in California

Patricio Manuel is a thirty-three year old transgender male lightweight boxer. He made history last Saturday by becoming the first transgender male to win in an American boxing event in Indigo, California.  He won in the lightweight division by beating Hugo Aguilar. After only twelve minutes they declared him the winner! After his historic win […]


Transgender fighter wins in historic pro debut Boxer Patricio Manuel is the first transgender male to fight professionally in the U.S. winning his match and making history.  School Districts Expand Gender Options To Include Transgender And Nonbinary Students Almost all schools in the Washington D.C. area have policies that protect gender identity against discrimination. They […]

LGBTQIA+ World News

US marriages recognized in Mexico; Republicans work against anti-discrimination; Tunisian police use anti-gay laws to spy on anyone. Ina first, gay Mexican couple has U.S. marriage recognized by Mexico Footnote in new trade deal causes confusion over LGBTQ protections Tunisia’s Assault on Gay Men’s—and Everyone’s – Right to Privacy


The 2018 blue wave included quite a few LGBT wins — even though voters are still wary of gay and trans candidates A survey of 1,500 voters conducted by the Washington Post revealed that even liberal voters tend to shy away from openly queer political candidates. LGBT Splinter Group From Migrant Caravan Is The 1st […]

Want to give on this #givingTuesday?

Want to give on this #givingTuesday? Give to the Paradise branch of the Butte County Library System.  The Marin County Free Library and the California Library Association have an online fundraiser running.  Their goal is only $10,000…how about we make it more? 😊 The branch (unlike most of the town) is still standing, but in […]