Mormon College Valedictorian Comes Out As Gay In Viral Graduation Speech | TODAY Matt Easton, this year’s valedictorian at Brigham Young University, used part of his commencement ceremony address to come out as a gay man.  Saying that he is proud to be a “gay son of God,” Easton’s speech was approved by the Dean’s […]

LGBTQIA+ World News

Transgender Pakistanis can serve as police; the President of Brazil is worried about gay tourism; and the first Armenian trans woman to speak to parliament gets death threats. Police to allow transgender recruits in Pakistan province Bolsonaro: Brazil must not become ‘gay tourism paradise’ Armenian MPs call for trans activist to be burned alive after […]

LGBTQIA+ World News

Death by stoning for gay sex in Brunei, leading at least one trans teenager to seek asylum and lesbians in eastern Europe gather in the Ukraine despite successful counter-protests. Brunei defends death by stoning for gay sex in letter to EU Transgender teenager from Brunei seeks asylum in Canada Lesbians Held Conference in Kyiv Despite […]

6 of 11 of ALA’s 2018 Most Frequently Challenged for LGBTQIA+ Content

Annually during National Library Week, the Office for Intellectual Freedom publishes a list of the most frequently challenged books in schools and libraries. In 2018, there were 347 challenges and 483 books submitted to the OIF. Of the top 11 (full list linked below), more than half of the titles were challenged for LGBTQIA+ content. […]


Affirming mosques help gay Muslims reconcile faith, sexuality Around the world, more inclusive mosques are opening their doors and instituting policies that are more LGBTQ friendly. Although there is currently no formal movement for the establishment or tracking of these mosques in the US, they seem to be growing.  Google Employees Protest ‘Anti-LGBTQ’ Conservative’s Appointment […]

Personnel Shakeup follows Drag Queen Story Hour in SC

Drag Queen Story Hours continue to gain in both popularity and controversy across the nation. Three branch managers are no longer employed with the Greenville County Library System after a successful story time in February. The event was put on by a local group, unaffiliated with the library, which used the library’s space in accordance […]

A Tribute to Hector Xtravaganza

Hector Xtravaganza died from lymphoma on Dec. 30 at the age of 53. Friends, colleagues and family gathered on Saturday March 9, 2019 at  El Museo del Barrio to pay tribute to Hector. Hector was an original member of the House of Xtravaganza, and was also known as a community activist, dancer, designer, and mentor.  Mayor Bill […]

A Gay History of Children’s Book Authors in New York Times

Remember reading children’s books all snuggled up with a copy of Frog and Toad, by Arnold Lobel? Or reading school stories to the likes of Oliver Button is a Sissy by Tomie De Paola? George and Martha, by James Marshall were one of my favorites. One thing that you may not have noticed while reading […]


Fresh Challenges To State Exclusions On Transgender Health Coverage Both the Affordable Care Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act have provisions that have broadly been determined to protect transgender individuals from being discriminated against when it comes to their healthcare, however 30 states still allow health plans to exclude transgender-related healthcare from their policies.  […]