Stories from the Trenches: Charlie McNabb

Contributed by Charlie McNabb; compiled by John Mack Freeman.  Several months ago, there was a call on the GLBTRT e-mail list to compile stories of service to LGBT people from the library world. We will publishing these every so often as they become available. These stories are in the words of those contributing them, and […]

Meet Martin Garnar!: An RT member profile

By Tess Goldwasser Martin is the RT’s representative to the ALA Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, of which he also happens to be co-chair. He’s served previously as the liaison to IFRT and as a juror for the Over the Rainbow list. He is the head of research and instruction services at Regis University, […]

Meet Dawn Betts-Green!: An RT member profile

By Tess Goldwasser Dawn is a member of the GLBTRT. She hopes to participate in the Rainbow List or Stonewall Awards committees in the future. Until recently, she was a graduate assistant at Florida State University’s Goldstein Library while earning her MLIS.  Now she is a doctoral student in the same program, working as a […]

Queer Quest-Dragon Age: Representation

By Ashley R. Lierman In my first column, I touched briefly on Canadian game developer BioWare and their inclusion of same-sex relationships and queer characters. The Dragon Age series of games is currently one of BioWare’s big titles, and with the newest installment, Dragon Age: Inquisition, debuting this week, I thought it would be a […]

From the Chair: Bib and the Boys

By Ann K. Symons You might recognize two of our members in the picture above:  David Vess, Past Chair GLBTRT and Digital User Experience Librarian at James Madison University and Robert Newlen, Deputy Law Librarian of Congress. Do I love these two guys – you bet – they are part of my family.  Oh, and […]

Meet Michael Hesson!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Michael is a new member of the RT. He says he’s been “lurking” for about a year and is looking to get more involved. He is currently in a para position and does “as much reference and teaching as they allow me.” He hopes to land an academic librarian position, and has […]

Meet Amanda Clay!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser This week’s RT member is Amanda Clay. She is a very talented writer, so I’m just going to let her tell you about herself. Take it away Amanda! Yeah! — Currently I have no specific role in the GLBTRT. I am a past chair of the Stonewall Book Award Committee (and I […]