Meet Rob Ridinger! An RT Member Profile

By Tess Goldwasser (Ed. Note: I interviewed Rob… about a year ago? And then forgot to write up a profile! Not because he’s forgettable; he’s certainly not. But because I am a flake. An apologetic flake. Please forgive me Rob!) Rob is the GLBTRT Liaison to the Leather Archives and Museum, and a member of the […]

Queer Quest 11: The Universe Next Door

By Ashley R. Lierman If you feel like I’ve kind of been down on things a lot lately, and sometimes it seems like I don’t really like anything, then today’s column is for you, because today I’m going to talk about Steven Universe. If you haven’t heard of Steven Universe, you’re not alone; it’s had […]

The Importance of GLBT Book Month by Peter Coyl

By Peter Coyl The Importance of GLBT Book Month As a teenager, I was such an avid library user I got a job shelving books at the library in the Children’s section. On my breaks, I would roam the stacks of the second floor adult fiction area looking for something new to read. One day, […]

Meet Ann Symons! An RT Member Profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser. Photo credit American Libraries 1994. What is your role in the GLBTRT? I proudly serve as the Chair of GLBTRT, my first active role in the RT. I lead a board of committed officers, colleagues, and friends. My role is to try to articulate a vision for the RT and, with the board […]

Meet Walter “Cat” Walker! An RT Member Profile

By Tess Goldwasser What is your role in the GLBTRT? I’m the Chair of the Resources Committee. What does the GLBTRT mean to you? It’s one of my “homes” in ALA, the professional association I have been a member of for many years. I feel comfortable meeting and working with other GLBT librarians, and that […]

From the Chair: It takes business AND individuals

By Ann K. Symons (Chair, GLBTRT) This morning, I was listening to an interesting NPR piece when I was struck by the opening remark made by host Linda Wertheimer. “Wal-Mart, Apple, Angie’s List, NASCAR — some of the biggest names in business this week pushed back against “religious freedom” laws in Indiana and Arkansas. They […]