Meet John Sandstrom!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser John has served several roles in the GLBTRT (and its predecessor, the GLBTF).  He served on the book award committee back in the late 1980’s, and was co-chair the year they had Quentin Crisp and Armistead Maupin as guests. He also served as our Stonewall Book Award Brunch chair for a few years. […]

Meet Marian Mays!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Marian has been a member of the GLBTRT for about a year. She was able to meet some of her fellow members at this year’s ALA annual conference, and is interested in serving on a committee sometime in the future. She just finished a one year term in AmeriCorps as a Youth […]

Profile a Roundtable Member!: Meet Mac Elrod

By Tess Goldwasser This week’s very special profile is of Mac Elrod, a founding member of the RT, with decades of library (and life) experience. He’s so fascinating, I’m just going to let him tell us all about himself: TG: What is your role within the GLBTRT? ME: Founding member. What professional work do you […]

Guest Column: San Antonio Public Library Pride 2014

Guest Column. Submitted by Joel Bangilan. Few libraries across the country orchestrate as extensive an observation of Pride Month as San Antonio Public Library. For the past five years Pride has been a rewarding and validating endeavor for the library system. Diversity is not always black and white. Diversity encompasses race, religion, socio-economics, gender, sexual […]

Meet Don Yarman!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Currently, Don’s self-identified role in the GLBTRT is the “cranky old man” on the Stonewall Book Awards Committee. Previously he has been the “fussy intellectual snob” on the Stonewall Book Awards Committee. As Deputy Director of the Delaware County District Library, he serves the mixed suburban, small town, and rural area north […]

Meet Melody Townley!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Melody is the new GLBTRT secretary, starting after ALA Annual Conference 2014. In her other life, she is a full-time educational media specialist for North Jersey school district, working with grades 6-12. Her passion is bringing libraries “back to life” and making them an important part of the school or community. She is proud […]

Filtering Limits Educational Resources by Jenna Goodall

By Jenna Goodall A new policy brief titled Fencing Out Knowledge: Impacts of the Children’s Internet Protection Act 10 Years Later1was released on June 11 by ALA’s Office of Information Technology Policy (OITP) and ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom (OIF). This study found that in an attempt to implement CIPA, many schools and libraries are […]

ALA GLBT Round Table News: From the Chair by Roland Hansen

By Roland Hansen I’ve been reflecting on my past year as RT Chair and have decided that this has been a transitioning kind of time for both me and the RT.  New technologies and methods of communication set up by the Past-Chair David Vess, have come to the fore and now work to define how […]

Meet Dr. Rebecca Hunt!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Rebecca is currently serving as the chair of the Stonewall Book Awards Committee. After she finishes with this, she wants to keep working with GLBTRT and expand her involvement with YALSA and AASL. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Technology, Research, and Assessment at Northern Illinois University,  teaching […]