Queer Quest: Welcome to Night Vale (No, seriously, you’re actually welcome)

By Ashley R. Lierman At the beginning of this month, we linked on this blog to the Advocate’s piece on the podcast Welcome to Night Vale.  As I’m beginning this column in October, though, and because Night Vale is near and dear to me personally, I thought I might start with a more in-depth discussion […]

Meet Carlos Fernandez!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Carlos is the International Documents Librarian at Florida International University. He is responsible for one of only two public university libraries to have a depository for both the United Nations and the European Union. He’s also responsible for the collection and maintenance of documents from the Organization of American States and other […]

Queer Quest: A New Column for Interesting Times

By Ashley R. Lierman These are interesting times to be a part of American geek culture as a member of any minority group. I mean that both in the genuine, positive sense, and in the sense of how that’s supposedly a curse. For better or for worse, women geeks, geeks of color, and gay, lesbian, […]

Meet Ellen Bosman!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Ellen has been involved with the RT since the mid-1990s.  She has served as the treasurer, as the chair of the committee that plans the annual awards banquet, on the public relations committee, and twice on the Stonewall Book Awards committee, once as chair. She is the Head of Technical Services at […]

Mack’s Take: The fierce fight between drag queens and Facebook (opinion)

By John Mack Freeman Over the last few weeks, tensions have been mounting between the drag community and Facebook. We even reported about it here. Basically, Facebook has a policy that all individuals using a personal account have to use their real name. Drag queens, by and large, have been using their stage personas on personal pages, […]

Mack’s Take: Gay marriage stunts no worse than any other marriage stunts (opinion)

By John Mack Freeman This week, a lot of people have gotten up in arms because two men got married in New Zealand. Well, that’s not it exactly. It’s more that the two men were heterosexual, they were getting married as a part of a radio station stunt, and they got married to win tickets […]

Meet Michael Mungin!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Michael is a member of the GLBTRT Reviews Committee. He loves it because it allows him to review films and spread the word about recent LGBT-themed movies that he says “simply yearn to be seen by a wider audience.” Michael is the psychology librarian at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. He […]

From the Chair – Stonewall: Where are the volunteers?

By Ann K. Symons, Chair Last year when I was Chair-elect, my main job was to do committee appointments – except for the Stonewall, Rainbow and Over the Rainbow Committees.  Those committee appointments were done by the Chair, Roland Hansen.  I would, however, look at the long lists of members who volunteered for these appointments […]

Profile a GLBTRT Committee: Resources Committee

By John Mack Freeman As part of the GLBT News ongoing work to better keep our membership informed about the goings on in the roundtable, we will be profiling one of our standing committees every month to check in with them and see what they are currently up to. As always, any committee can have […]

Meet Jenni Frencham!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Meet Jenni! Jenni is a reviewer for the GLBTRT book blog. A middle school librarian in the San Francisco Bay Area, she is in charge of a library used by 500 or more middle school students and their teachers. She is most proud of completely revamping the library where she works and increasing […]