Apple, OED Redefining Marriage (At Least In Their Dictionaries)

Photo credit: TexasT's (via Flickr)

Earlier this year, a San Francisco-based group called HACKmarriage put stickers on books in libraries and bookstores that changed the definitions of marriage from being a union of a man and a woman to being a union of ‟two people.” But activists aren’t the only people changing dictionaries. Several wordsmith are reevaluating their current definitions. […]

Research from UCLA shows discrimination against LGBT in workplace still pervasive

Research from the UCLA Williams Institute through surveys, polls, and wage data indicates that employment discrimination against LGBT people is persistent and pervasive. In addition, enforcement of anti-discrimination protections is not overly burdensome, and businesses general support these policies. Further research shows that a majority of people in every Congressional district supports laws protecting against […]

Edie Windsor Comes in Third for Time’s Person of the Year

Edie Windsor, plaintiff in the U.S. Supreme Court case that overturned DOMA, came in third this year for Time’s “person of the year,” following Pope Francis and Edward Snowden. She was also a finalist in the public online poll. Windsor said: “I am honored that Time chose me as one of the number 3 individuals […]

Business, Labor, and Courts Advance LGBT Rights, but A Long Road Remains: News-Roundup

The AFL-CIO, the country’s largest labor federation, amended its constitution in September, banning discrimination based on gender identity or gender expression. The constitution now states: “To encourage all workers without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to share equally in the full benefits of […]

Graphic Novels and Coloring Books With LGBT Themes Take Center Stage

An antidote to Michael is Misha in Misha & His Moms Go to the Olympics., a for-profit T-shirt company based in Michigan, will send 10,000 copies of this coloring book featuring LGBT people and their families to children in Sochi and Moscow in response to Russia’s law imposing fines and perhaps jail time for […]

Harrington Press seeks help in completing LGBTQ scholarly journal list

Bill Cohen of Harrington Park Press asks for assistance from GLBTRT members to identify missing titles on the publishing company’s “Guide” to LGBTQ peer review scholarly journals. Only journals identifying themselves as having a central LGBTQ focus in main titles or the body of their advertising are included. Popular magazines are excluded from the guide. […]

GLBTRT has volunteer opportunities on four new committees

The GLBTRT is nothing without our volunteers, and there are four new committees that are looking for interested members. These committees are the Ad Hoc Planning Committee for GLBTRT Pre-Conference the 2015 Annual Conference (San Francisco), the Ad Hoc Advocacy Committee to Produce GLBTRT Toolkit, the Resources Committee, and the Reviews Committee. ALA/GLBTRT members who wish to […]

2014 Gay Games Scholarship is Available

The 2014 Gay Games is providing a participation scholarship, ranging from $750 to $1,350, for those who wish to be part of the event but lack the financial means to attend. Scholarships can be used for registration fees for the 2014 Gay Games, transportation to and from host cities Cleveland and Akron, and housing. Gay […]