GLBTRT Seeking Donations for Emerging Leaders Program

GLBTRT now has another fundraising projects: GLBTRT sponsorship of a candidate for the ALA Emerging Leaders program. ALA describes the program as follows: “A leadership development program which enables newer library workers from across the country to participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA structure, and have an […]

‘The Case for 8’ Competes at Sundance

Gay couple Paul Katami and Jeff Zarillo with lesbian couple Kris Perry and Sandy Stier won their fight against California’s Prop 8 after last summer’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling. Now they’re in a film documentary that received a standing ovation when it premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. The Case against 8” by filmmakers Ben […]

Videos from Creating Change 2014 Available On Youtube

If you weren’t able to attend the Creating Change 2014 Conference this year, that doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on everything that went on there. You can visit the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s YouTube Page to view videos from the conference. Below, you can view the inspirational speech that Laverne […]

9th Circuit Court Mandates ‘Heightened Scrutiny’ for LGBT Rights’ Cases

Although most of the LGBT rights’ cases recently have been on the subject of marriage, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a ruling that may have far more reaching results in forwarding equality for the LGBT population. Last summer’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning part of DOMA in Windsor v. United States clarified […]

Kansas Law Would Restrict State’s Internet Access

The state of Kansas wants to guarantee that cities cannot invest in any broadband network technologies and has introduced a bill (Senate Bill No. 304) to guarantee that this will happen.  The language prohibits both networks that offer services and public-private partnerships and open access approaches. Even the supposed protection for the “unserved areas” doesn’t […]

Major Clothing Retailer Fashions Spring Catalog Include Transgender Models

Barneys New York recently launched their Spring 2014 catalog with a campaign called “Brothers, Sisters, Sons & Daughters.” Photographed by Bruce Weber, this nontraditional campaign will feature the portfolios and stories of each of their models along with accompanying videos. The interviews cover ground related to bullying, self-confidence, love, discrimination, and empowerment through the diverse […]

“Safe in the Stacks” Program To Be Presented At National Conference on LGBT Equality

Jama Shelton (Forty to None) and Julie Winkelstein (postdoctoral researcher on an IMLS grant) are presenting their program from last summer, “Safe in the Stacks: Community Spaces for Serving Homeless LGBTQ Youth,” at the 26th National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change. Located in Houston (TX) at the Hilton of the Americas, the conference features […]

U.S. Schools Celebrate 10th Anniversary of GLSEN’s No Name-Calling Week

The past week, thousands of schools emphasized kindness and compassion as a method to stop bullying. James Howe’s The Misfitsinspired this event. The young adult novel tells about four students who decided to run for student council to create a No Name-Calling Day at school after suffering from this bullying behavior. Since its inception in 2004, […]

Profile a Roundtable Member: Lisa Johnston

By Tess Goldwasser Meet Lisa Johnston: Lisa has served the GLBTRT since 2001 as a member of the Stonewall Book Awards Committee, Chair of the Stonewall Book Awards (the first year they were included in the Youth Media Awards), representative to the ALA Diversity Council, Chair of the now defunct Nominating Committee, and Book Review […]

GLBT News Odds and Ends: Inmates, Portland Cakes, and LGBT Smoking

The First Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 ruling upheld a 2012 decision that classifies gender-confirming surgeries as necessary medical care. As such, transgendered inmates should have access to this care due to the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment. The refusal by a Portland, Oregon area bakery to refuse to bake […]