Rainbow Project Addresses GLBTRT Changes for Committees

Thanks to Miss Ingrid for this great view of The Rainbow Project. In the post-Midwinter Meeting report for the Rainbow Project Committee, Chair Christie Gibrich addressed several issues that other GLBTRT committees are also tackling. Language: GLBTRT Board eliminated the words “nomination,” “nominate,” and “nominee” from the round table’s committees that select bibliographies and awards. […]

Lambda Interviews Editor of Trans* Journal ‘THEM’

Last year, THEM, a “literary journal of trans* writers” debuted, showcasing “writing that doesn’t appeal to ‘being trans*’ as if it were one, complete narrative.” Editor Jos Charles’ interview in the Lambda Literary Review about starting the journal, aesthetics, and what constitutes “tran* writing” is well-worth reading.

Archbishop of Canterbury Asks Churches to Respect LGBT While Problems Remain in Other Countries

In a public letter addressed to all Primates of the Anglican Communion and the presidents of Nigeria and Uganda, Archbishop of Canterbury Joseph Welby called for “pastoral care for all” regardless of a person’s sexual orientation. This letter, co-authored by the Archbishop of York, comes not long before Welby is to spend five days in […]

Groups Releases Study about Suicide by Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming Adults

A new report from The Williams Institute and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, “Suicide Attempts among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults,” compiles findings from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Forty-one percent of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals attempt suicide, compared to 4.6 percent of the general population and 10 to 20 percent of the […]

Request for Resources in Developing Welcoming Standards for Museums

Annette Gavigan, museum registrar on the American Alliance of Museum’s LGBTQ Alliance’s steering committee, is co-chairing a task force to develop LGBTQ welcoming standards for museums. She is looking for relevant resources for practices organized across functions/areas of professional practice (e.g., for membership managers, marketing teams, educators, front-line staff, curators, etc.). The resources would be […]

Lambda Seeks Participants in Eighth Annual Writers Retreat

This year’s Writers Retreat for Emerging LGBT Voices, sponsored by the Lambda Literary Foundation, will be August 3-10, 2014 on the campus of the American Jewish University in Los Angeles. Faculty include Lucy Jane Bledsoe, Fiction workshop; Randall Kenan, Nonfiction workshop; Eduardo C. Corral, the Poetry workshop; and Elizabeth Sims, Genre Fiction with an emphasis […]

Band Fun. Campaigns to Raise $250,000 for Detroit LGBT Youth Center

The Grammy award-winning band fun. has launched a campaign to raise $250,000 to build a community health center for the Ruth Ellis Cente, which provides housing, meals, clothing and medical services for LGBT youth in need in Detroit (MI). Funds will be raised through its LGBT support organization, The Ally Coalition (TAC). Band members are […]

Trans Student Scores Significant Victory in Maine Discrimination Case

Nicole Maines, a transgender girl from Maine, recently won a long fought court battle against the school system she had attended. The Maine High Court ruled that denying Maines the right to use school facilities set aside for female use violated her rights under the Maine Human Rights Act.  The case Doe v. Clenchy, so […]

New Prison Rules Take Consider Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity for Safety

Harrison County Jail in Houston, Texas is revamping the way that it assigns inmates housing, and this change has ramifications for the LGBT community. The changes, coming in response to a law signed by President George W. Bush called the Federal Rape Elimination Act, seek to eliminate rape in all local, state, and federal lockups. […]

Brass Releases Second Part of Gay Men’s Health Project Clinic History

Perry Brass has released the second in a three-part series for the NYPL regarding the Gay Men’s Health Project Clinic that he co-founded in 1972 with Lenny Ebreo and Marc Rabinowitz that I wanted to let you know about this next installment. It features two visitors to the Clinic—Dr. Howard J. Brown, who had been […]