Archie Comics Super Gay Character

Archie Comics first gay character Kevin Keller made a huge splash when he debuted in 2010. Since then, he has become one of the most visible and crowd-pleasing of the comic’s gang. Now, he’s going one step further by becoming a superhero. In line with Archie Comics long-standing tradition of turning its characters into superheroes, […]

Amazon Pilot Focuses on Transgender Issues

In response to the highly acclaimed and incredibly popular original programming from Netflix, Amazon has launched a series of pilots through their Prime service that give viewers the chance to vote on which show they would like to see more of. If a show gets enough support, it gets green lighted for a full season […]

In Texas, Outing Proves Costly for School

A recent lawsuit against the Kilgore ISD has been settled for $77,000. Two softball coaches, Rhonda Fletcher and Cassandra Newell, called Skye Wyatt, a 16-year-old player, to a practice off-campus. When Skye and the rest of the team arrived, the coaches dismissed everyone but Skye. They then harassed her, accusing her of being a lesbian […]

Tumblr Account Makes Soviet Propaganda Sparkle

Just because the Winter Olympics have closed for another four years doesn’t mean that everyone has forgotten about Russia. Indeed, Russia’s anti-gay laws and harassment has become the focus of the Tumblr account Pride Propaganda. The website photoshops classic Russian propaganda posters into full-on pride images by substituting all flags for rainbow flags. The project […]

Campus Pride Unveils National LGBT Scholarship Database

If you’re a student who needs more money to attend school (and what student doesn’t), there’s a new resource available to you. Campus Pride has unveiled a new LGBT scholarship database that allows both undergraduate and graduate students to find scholarships and grants to help them further their educations.

Williams Institute: LGBT More Likely To Struggle with Hunger

In a study that was published by UCLA’s Williams Institute, researchers found that LGBT individuals were significantly more likely to struggle with hunger than their heterosexual counterparts. Some key findings: 29% of LGBT adults said that at some point in the last year they did not have adequate resources to feed themselves or their families […]

Preservationists Call for Greater Protection of Stonewall Inn, Other Sites

Some preservationists in New York are calling for a new standard of protection for the Stonewall Inn and the bar Julius’ due to their importance in LGBT history. Although both buildings are largely protected from harm due to their location in a historic district, the Greenwich Village Society of Historic Preservation (GVHSP) would like the […]

What Does a Librarian Look Like?

 When photographer Kyle Cassidy decided to find out whether his stereotype of a librarian was right, he discovered a diversity of people—starting with GLBTRT Executive Board member Ingrid Abrams who was the lead photo in a Slate article about Cassidy’s experiences at the 2014 ALA Midwinter meeting. The librarian from Brooklyn Public Library said, “We’re […]

Article Highlights GLBTRT, Trans YA Books

 Both the 2014 Stonewall youth award winner and GLBTRT member Kyle Lukoff are cited in an article about Susan Kuklin’s new book, Beyond Magenta, profiling six transgender young adults and their experiences in grappling with identity as it relates to sexuality and gender. Although more books about the transgender experience are being published, Lukoff lamented […]

Michael Sam Comes Out, Receives Standing Ovation

During recent years, coming out of the closet has resulted in one or two days of publicity before another celebrity or sports figure declares an LGBT sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Media surrounding University of Missouri lineman Michael Sam, 2013 All-American defensive end and NFL prospect, just doesn’t stop. Despite some of the evil troll […]