Same-Sex Couples in Banana Republic Ad, Other Commercials

When apparel retailer Banana Republic decided to use model couples from real life, the company included interior designers Nate Berkus and his fiancé, Jeremiah Brent. The photos of them rolling on the grass, cuddling, and posing with other models will appear in magazines including InStyle and Rolling Stone. The ad agency said that its goal was […]

U.S. Provides Transgender Students Uneven Access to Rights

Image Credit: Benson Kua (via Flickr)

 An attempt from a coalition of conservative groups failed to get the 504,760 votes necessary to put a measure to repeal the new transgender students’ rights law on the fall ballot. This is good news for students in one state, but other transgender students in the U.S. don’t have the same equality. At the same […]

South Carolina Bans LGBT Books

Two state universities have assigned LGBT books to incoming students, and South Carolina lawmakers have proposed cutting $69,000 in funding to the University of South Carolina Upstate and the College of Charleston. Fun Home by Alison Bechdel lost Charleston $52,000 while Out Loud: The Best of Rainbow Radio, a collection of stories from a South […]

University Requests GLBTRT Archives

Cara Bertram has expressed an interest in obtaining GLBTRT archival records for the American Library Association Archives at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The most recent records that are presently at that location are from before 1997 while the round table was the SRRT Gay and Lesbian task force. Existing records can be reviewed […]

Around the Youth Circuit: My ALA Midwinter by Jenna Goodall

By Jenna Goodall My primary reason for attending ALA Midwinter was because my acceptance into the Bill Morris Seminar. Sponsored by ALSC, this bi-annual seminar focuses on book evaluation training, and its purpose is to train librarians to become critical evaluators of children’s materials. Hopefully, these librarians will someday serve on ALSC evaluation committees such […]

Profile a Roundtable Member: Nel Ward

Meet Nel Ward! Nel is so amazing, I asked her to write her own profile, and here it is! Nel, tell us about yourself… Currently I chair the News Committee, responsible for the new GLBTRT blog, GLBT News ( Last month, I finished my terms on Over the Rainbow, and when I leave the News […]

‘Coming Out Matters’ in New Social Media Campaign

Move over, It Gets Better: you’ve got company. #ComingOutMatters, a new viral social media campaign dedicated to empowering LGBT community, encourages us to share our experiences through YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. E!’s star Jonny Drubel is celebrity ambassador for Students Moving America in the campaign by using the hashtag #ComingOutMatters. Posts are streamlined into the campaign’s […]

Check Out the Trailer for the Adaptation of Blackbird.

The first trailer for filmmaker Patrik-Ian Polk’s screen adaptation of the novel Blackbird is available on Lambda Literary. Adapted from Larry Duplechan’s novel, the feature film tells of 17-year-old Randy Rousseau, a Christian high school student struggling with his sexuality and family in Mississippi. Check out the trailer below. [vimeo]