“Xena” reboot to “fully explore” character’s lesbianism

By John Mack Freeman The writer of the reboot of the cult classic Xena: Warrior Princess has promised that he will “fully explore” the character’s lesbianism. Via Gay Star News: “Back in the 90s, the love between warrior princess Xena and her charge Gabrielle was all too obvious but was buried underneath glances, innuendo, subtext. But now, […]

White House appoints first trans person as primary LGBT liaison

By John Mack Freeman The White House announced this week that Raffi Freedman-Gurspan has been appointed as the White House’s primary LGBT liaison. Freedman-Gurspan is the first trans person to hold this role since it was created under President Clinton in 1993. Via Buzzfeed: Freedman-Gurspan became the first transgender staffer appointed to the White House in […]

Colorado, Vermont on path to blocking ex-gay therapy

By John Mack Freeman The Colorado House and the Vermont Senate each advanced bills this week that would make offering ex-gay therapy a crimes in those states. Currently, it is expected the Vermont bill will pass with little effort, but the bill in Colorado may be in trouble due to Republicans currently controlling the Colorado […]

Watch: GLBT-themed Nigerian film trailer for “Hell or High Water”

Photo Credit: TIERs & Asurf Films Limited

By John Mack Freeman A new trailer has been released for a Nigerian short film with GLBT themes. Via GLAAD: The film tells the story of a pastor who is loved and adored by the people around him, but who has to make a difficult decision between being who he is and meeting societal expectations […]

2016 ALA elections are open!

Via press release Voting in the 2016 ALA elections is now open.  Between March 15 and March 17, the ALA sent e-mails to voters, providing them with their unique ballot URL and information about how to vote online. The polls will close on Friday, April 22 at 11:59 p.m. Central time.  Note that the mailing […]

Georgia legislature passes religious freedom bill

By John Mack Freeman This week, the Georgia legislature sent House Bill 757 to Governor Nathan Deal for his signature. The bill would allow any faith-based organization to deny services to any individual based on that organizations sincerely held religious beliefs. The law is modeled on the federal “First Amendment Defense Act,” and it is […]

New resource available-“Bisexual Fiction: Adult and Young Adult”

By Eric Hanshaw There is a new resource posted on the GLBTRT Professional Tools page. It is under Bibliographies: Subject under the title Bisexual Fiction: Adult & Young Adult. Bisexuality is an often poorly represented part of the LGBTQ spectrum, and while literature that deals with gay and lesbian characters has slowly grown, there are […]

New resource available-“Sports GLBT Bibliography”

By Cat Walker LGBT athletes have recently gained visibility and made inroads into the world of sports.   A new annotated bibliography posted on the GLBTRT Professional Tools page serves as a guide to books, DVDs, and Internet resources about gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people in sports.  This new resource may help librarians with […]

The Little Gadfly – “Behold… The Power of Your Piggy Bank”

By A. Faulkner So.  I didn’t know anything about Manny Pacquiao.  Before this past week the only thing I’d ever even heard was that he liked pistachios (or at least he was paid to imply he did).  I can’t link you to an official YouTube video of the commercial via Wonderful Pistachios though because, mysteriously, […]