New HRC Campaign to Target Deep South

This week, the Human Rights Campaign is launching a new initiative to increase its presence in states that have little or no protections for LGBT people, and they are stating in some of the states that have traditionally been the most hostile to LGBT people. The $8.5 million project will focus on establishing a greater […]

19 Members of Congress Seek IOC Change

Nineteen members of Congress have asked the International Olympic Committee to amend its charter later this year to bar anti-LGBT discrimination. This comes after the significant outpouring of anger and anti-Olympics sentiment after the 2014 Winter Olympics were hosted in Russia. Russia’s anti-gay propaganda law has been widely criticized, and it led to a flurry […]

Bechdel, Bornstein to Be Honored at Lambda Literary Awards

Alison Bechdel and Kagte Bornstein will be honored at the 26th Annual Lambda Literary Awards. Bechdel will receive the Foundation’s Trustee Award for Excellence in Literature, and Bornstein will receive the Pioneer Award. Author of award-winning Fun Home and Are You My Mother, Bechdel wrote and drew the comic strips Dykes to Watch Out For, […]

Gay Boy Scout Earns Eagle With LGBT Renovation

Eric Snyder, a gay high school student in upstate New York, has just submitted his final community service project to earn his designation as an Eagle Scout. Snyder had worried as a closeted sophomore that if the BSA discovered he was gay, it would jeapordize his membership in the organization (this was prior to the […]

Judge Rules Against Trans BET Host

Noted transgender television personality B. Scott has lost a case that he brought against BET. The $2.5 million lawsuit alleged that BET had violated Scott’s gender expression by forcing him to change his clothes for the BET Awards pre-show coverage. In the suit, Scott claimed that they “yanked him backstage” and forced him to remove the […]

New Study Shows Bullying Effects Last Decades

An article published in the American Journal of Psychiatry on April 18, 2014 by the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London has found a link between bullying and negative health effects for decades to follow. The 7,771 people in this study were all born in the same week in 1958. They were analyzed for the […]

Department of Justice Launches Trans Outreach Training for Law Enforcement

In late March, the United States Department of Justice unveiled a new outreach program that seeks to quell the often contentious relationship between law enforcement and the transgender community. A 2011 study found that 20 percent of transgender respondents had experienced harassment at the hands of law enforcement, and that 6 percent had suffered physical […]