North Carolina Attorney General refuses to defend religious freedom law

By John Mack Freeman North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper (D) has refused this week to defend the state’s new religious freedom law in court because he opposes the law and wishes to see it repealed. Although Cooper will not be defending the law, he is still named as a defendant in current and future […]

Virginia governor vetoes religious freedom bill

By John Mack Freeman Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has vetoed a religious freedom bill in that state that would have allowed for anti-GLBT discrimination. The bill, SB-41, was introduced by State Senator Charles Carrico. Via the Washington Blade: McAuliffe said in a statement that Senate Bill 41 is “nothing more than an attempt to stigmatize.” […]

Watch: Seth Meyers Takes Aim at Discriminatory “Religious Freedom” Laws

By Ashley R. Lierman Recently on Late Night with Seth Meyers, the eponymous host took “A Closer Look” at recent anti-LGBTQ “religious freedom” bills in North Carolina and Georgia. In the clip, Meyers blasts the ridiculous anti-trans “bathroom bills” proposed in multiple states, and especially the recent House Bill 2 in North Carolina. Watch the […]

Current Scholarship Roundup: Reading, Bookstores, Herstory and more

By Emilia R. Marcyk Scholarship and academic news that addresses LGBTQ identities and concerns, of interest to librarians and information professionals Publications Brandão, Ana Maria, and Tânia Cristina Machado. “Organa: The First Portuguese Lesbian Magazine.” Journal of Homosexuality4 (2016): 575-599. URL:  The authors chronical the history of Organa, the first known Lesbian magazine published […]

ALA President, GLBTRT Chair Urge Georgia Governor to Veto HB 757

Via press release Today American Library Association President Sari Feldman and Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) Chair Peter Coyl released a joint letter to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal urging him to veto House Bill 757. The bill is yet another example of a disturbing trend of state legislators working to adopt religious freedom laws […]

World Psychiatric Association says “ex-gay” treatments don’t work

By John Mack Freeman The world’s biggest association of psychiatrists released a statement this week against so-called “ex-gay” therapies. Their statement is reproduced below in full: WPA Position Statement on Gender Identity and Same-Sex Orientation, Attraction, and Behaviours Background Recent controversies in many countries suggest a need for clarity on same-sex orientation, attraction, and behaviour […]

Georgia legislature passes religious freedom bill, business community urges veto

By John Mack Freeman A large number of high-profile companies have come out against Georgia’s HB 757. A large number of film and television companies and workers have come out against the law. Georgia has a growing film industry due to a sweetheart tax deal that makes it incredibly cheap to film in the state. […]

Kansas passes law to allow campus groups to discriminate via “sincere religious beliefs”

By John Mack Freeman A new law in Kansas would allow student groups on public college and university campuses to discriminate against other students as long as the discrimination was rooted in a “sincere religious belief.” Governor Sam Brownback signed the legislation in to law this week. Via The legislation, officially titled the Campus […]

North Carolina bans cities and counties from passing anti-discrimination laws

By John Mack Freeman The North Carolina legislature passed a law in a special session this week that bars cities and counties from enacting their own anti-discrimination laws. Governor Pat McCrory signed the law the same day. Via Associated Press: The Republican-controlled General Assembly took action after Charlotte leaders last month approved a broad anti-discrimination measure. […]

GLBTRT mini-social at PLA!

We’ll be hosting a GLBTRT Mini-Social/Happy Hour at PLA 2016 in Denver. Thursday, April 7, 2016 from 6:30pm-8:30 at the Denver Wrangler (1700 Logan St, Denver, CO 80203). Appetizers will be provided; Cash bar with Thirsty Thursday drink specials! Facebook event page coming soon! If you’re attending PLA we hope you’ll join us!  Invite […]