Study Finds LGBT Discrimination Among Federal Contractors

Equal Rights Centre and Freedom to Work  recently released a study detailing LGBT protections and discrimination among 8 of the largest federal contractors that do not have protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The study submitted applications to 100 jobs from these companies. According to PinkNews: “The pairs of CVs were similar except one listed […]

Burger King Sells Pride Burger in San Francisco

Chalk this up to marketing done right. At one particular Burger King in downtown San Francisco during Pride, the store offered “Proud Whopper Sandwiches” for sale. When staff were asked about what made them different, they just shrugged and said “I don’t know.” When the burgers arrived to the customer, they were covered in a […]

School Board Cancels Play Because of Same Sex Marriage

In a ridiculous move to censor something that everyone already knows about, the South Williamsport School District has cancelled a planned production of Spamalot at South Williamsport High School next spring. The given reason? The show’s final five minutes contain a same-sex marriage. The principal of the school informed the theatre department that the show was inappropriate […]

Self Evident Truths Project Photographs LGBT Individuals

Photographer iO Tillett Wright has started the Self Evident Truths project in an effort to collect photos of 10,000 LGBT people that identify as anything other than 100% straight. Wright began the project as a response to continued hostility to LGBT causes at the ballot box. The goal is to humanize the struggle for LGBT rights […]

Gender Neutral Bathrooms at ALA Conferences

Change comes far too slowly, but it’s always heartening when there are some signs of progress. During the GLBTRT Executive Board Meeting at ALA this year, someone mentioned the fact that there was a “gender neutral bathroom” available near the main entrance for conference services and exhibits (thanks to Melody Townley for the picture!). Although […]

AMA Removes Surgery Requirement for Birth Certificate Changes

The American Medical Association has announced that transgender surgery should not be a necessary requirement for changes in birth certificates. Most states mandate both a court order and proof of surgery for changes in birth certificates although New York recently removed the surgery requirement. On the other hand, Gov. Chris Christie vetoed legislation in New […]

Odds and Ends: LGBT Advertising, Cops, and More

Penzeys Spices has a new website section that is celebrating Wisconsin’s same sex marriage victory. The site called “Love Grows Here” features four same sex couples that can now get married based on the ruling, sharing their stories and some of their family recipes. Penzeys has been supporting LGBT equality since 2005. Turns out that […]

Marriage Update: June 18th Edition

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati on Monday will hear arguments about marriage equality in four states on August 6. The same three-judge panel will hear all four cases. Only one state, Michigan, asks the court to overturn the state’s ban on marriage equality. Cases in the other three states—Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee—are […]